I need help i had surgery 3 wks ago what are some examples of protein to eat?

   — puertorico2009 (posted on February 14, 2010)

February 14, 2010
I am three weeks out as well. I am currently using a protein powder called Unjury. It has 20g of protein per scoop, and when mixed with 8 oz. of skim milk, you have 28g of protein. You can order it from If you don't prefer the drink route, you can try cottage cheese, tofu or baby food meats. Fat free, no sugar added yogurt is an option too, but beware, some flavors have alot of sugar, and carbs. Cream soups are also an option. Try to choose lower sodium soups and watch your carbs. For breakfast, I eat Quaker Weight Control oatmeal. It definately fills you up for a few hours. Some other breakfast ideas are Kashi Go Lean oatmeal, Quaker Oatbran cereal and Coco Wheats. You have to watch your carbs, or you won't lose weight. I am currently struggling with a 2 week plateau and I realized it was due to me eating too much carbs and not enough protein. Aim for 60 grams a day. Good Luck!!
   — SarahMascara

February 14, 2010
I'm two year out. But after I had surgery I ate yogurt, cottage cheese,lots of beans (if you like chili its a great meal that is full of protein if you make it home maid!), tuna salad, chicken salad (both of these had to be will mashed so that I didn't get them stuck), and after a couple weeks I started to eat more solid foods like beef patties and chicken breast. When you get to the point where you are able to eat solid food, try cooking with a slow cooker or a crock pot. It helps keep the food from drying out and makes it easier for us to digest. It helps alot when it comes to meat, I was unable to eat meat for a while because it kept makeing me sick, then my doc told me to try cooking it like that and it helped a lot. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 14, 2010
I was not allowed to eat any kind of carb until I lost 75% of my weight, so I ate cottage cheese, protein shakes, cheese, (which made me constipated as heck,) and beans. You are supposed to puree your foods if you are three weeks out also, well that is what my Dr said to do anyway. I am surprised your Dr didn't give you a book in which they listed the items you can eat.
   — FSUMom

February 15, 2010
hi... i used unflavored protein powder from, well the store is actually here in fort lauderdale, added it to broth or my decaf coffee... anything is better than those shakes.. yuk. also protein shots u can get them from walmart or vitamin shoppe....
   — MarthaJ0110

February 15, 2010
You can order unflavored protein powder from I added it to my crystal light. GNC also has an unflavored whey protein powder that I like to add to crystal light. I just mix up 64 ounces of crystal light and add my protein to it and drink it until its gone. All the other protein shakes I found had too many calories or too much sugar. Good luck!! I hope this helps.
   — Rita J.

February 16, 2010
i figured out a great way to get the protein in. i dont like the milky shakes so take one isopure drink from gnc and add one scoop of the unflavored unjury thats 60 grams of protein in one bottle but drink it thru out the day cause thats too much at once then just eat the other 20-40 grams. even if you did one isopure bottle thats 40 grams so base it on how much you need to add to your diet.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 16, 2010
Make sure if you are going to use protein powder that it is whey protein isolate, it absorbs much better that just plain whey protein. I buy the gnc brand and i love it. Also it took me over a year to learn a lot of this stuff, so Im dealing with getting my hair back. Eggs are great, because everything in them is geared towards growth. I have one boiled egg a day for a snack. Good Luck.
   — MRSYOGI1005

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