Large Bruises After Lovenox Injections- Anyone Else?

I started my lovenox injections and I have a bruses, one as big as a grapefruit.I have blood clots {dvt} in my left leg all the shots on my left side are real big and deep purple but the one on my right side are smaller but still very bruise.Is this normal for the medication lovenox.    — SHERI P. (posted on April 24, 2003)

April 24, 2003
Oh Yes I just finished my shots 42 in 21 days. I have so many bruses its almost all purple and blue but getting better everyday it will clear up just takes a while. You may get little bumps where you gave yourself the shot this is normal too and will go away. Hang in there this part will be over soon, best of luck. Diana
   — Diana B.

April 24, 2003
Bruising is definately a side effect of Lovenox shots and some people bruise more than others but nearly everyone bruises.
   — Delores S.

April 24, 2003
Make sure that you are not rubbing or pressing on the injection site after giving yourself the shot, this increases the bruising. Just gently dab (if there's a dot of blood). :)
   — Kimberley E.

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