Does anyone have any appeal letters for plastic surgery???

I have been denied for a tummy tuck and am wondering if anyone has any appeal letters. I am looking for some good ideas to put in my letter so I can get approved.    — autumnbug00 (posted on June 21, 2004)

June 21, 2004
Teena Adler's profile and website has valuable info and copies of her letters.
   — Ann B.

June 21, 2004
Michelle- I emailed you privately. Hope what I sent helps. Good Luck-Jan
   — Jan S.

March 1, 2010
when you appeal your insurance company get as many documentations of ordered creams, pics of any rashes, letters from your pcp, weight loss dr. noting your issues and most importantly CC your state health commissioner. the insurance companies do NOT like that attention from the health commissioner. don't give up! that is what they want you to do. good luck.
   — cinlu

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