HYPOthyroidism and WLS

Has anyone with Hypothyroidism had WLS and lost at least 100 pounds? How long did it take? Thanks for the answers.    — marcia5000 (posted on March 7, 2009)

March 7, 2009
Hi Marcia,i do have hypothyroidism and i did have the laproscopic RNY in May of 2007. I have lost 97 pounds so far. I was only 110 pounds overweight to begin with, but i just can't seem to get the last pounds off as easy. But i have also been recovering from total knee replacement and was not able to exercise at all. I am just starting to use my treadmill again but only for 10-15 minutes at a time, and at a very slow pace. But i'm sure once i heal completely the weight will start to come back off again. I don't know what thyroid meds you are on, but i am taking 0.75mcg of levothyroixine 1x a day. Just had bloodwork done and my levels are fine. It's a very low dose that i'm taking. Hope this helps you out . Take care Darlene
   — Darlene G.

March 7, 2009
I have been hypothyroid for 10 years and I had gastric bypass and I have lost 188 pounds in one year. I just take my synthroid every day.
   — okbuffy

March 7, 2009
I too have hypothyroidsim and lost 190lbs in one year after RNY. The med (Synthroid) that is given for this condition, corrects the imbalance so this should not be an issue for wt loss.
   — AuntPamcakes4six

March 7, 2009
I actually had thyroid cancer in 2005 and had my entire thyroid removed. Then had radiation to remove any left over tissue. I had RNY in Dec '08 and have lost 61 lbs so far. I take 200mcg of Synthroid daily. You will not have a problem. Good luck and take care! -Martina
   — sublym05

March 7, 2009
I have been hypothyroid for over thirty years. I had lapband in April 08 and have lost 70 pounds so far. I worried that I may not lose weight but it is happening. Good luck to you!
   — Carol422

March 7, 2009
I had lap RNY 11/7/07. I have lost 110 pounds. I take 112 mcg. Synthroid per day. If your hypothyroid is under control (normal TSH levels) this should not be a factor.
   — Shirley D.

March 7, 2009
I have hypothyroidism. I had my surgery 10-14-08 and have lost 92 lbs so far. I also have gone from 175 mcg of sythroid to 137 mcg of synthroid in 4 1/2 months.
   — tonitoot

March 8, 2009
I, too, have had hypothyroid for years. I take .100mcg synthroid. I had VSG and have lost 122 lbs in 11 months. Still losing.
   — corky1057

March 8, 2009
I just had Lap AGB surgery on Tuesday. Between my pre-op diet and now I have lost 19.5 pounds. I thought my hypothyroidism(and PCOS) would make the weight loss slower, but have since learned not so. Just stay current with your meds and labs so meds can be adjusted if needed and you shouldn't have a problem.
   — lmw9674

March 8, 2009
I was hypothyroid for several years pre op...was on synthroid for several years...then was completely off meds for the last 5 years...My metabolism somehow normalized...My doc told me when I went on meds that I would need them the rest of my life...A few months ago though, my thyroid quit again and I'm back on meds trying to get hte right dose for now...I had a small 3-4 lbs flux. I insisted on the lowest dose and as soon as I got on it, my weight went back to normal and my hair stopped falling out again! (Tell tale sign for me ...taht and being sleepy again an hour after waking up) Anyway...I lost 158 lbs initially and gained back 8 lbs at year two...Maintained a total of 150 lbs lost for over 5 years! (Hoping the metabolism stays boosted and I can go off meds again.)
   — .Anita R.

March 8, 2009
I have Hypothyroidism for over 20 years and I had Lap Band 4-16-08 and I am down 76 pounds and still losing. I hope to be down 100 pounds within a couple of months. I still take my synthroid every day. Diane
   — dyates2948

March 9, 2009
Marcia, as you read all these posts you see each person's results vary. I had thyroid cancer prior to RNY in '04; however, my blood levels were not level and I struggled to get them so. I lost less than 80 lbs, have gained 52 lbs and presently have thyroid cancer again. A piece of thyroid tissue regenerated itself, who would've thought such a bizare thing could happen? Was taking HRT due to hysterectomy 4mos ago, resulting in accumulation of body fat around my hips, stomach and butt. I have quit the HRT due to raised blood pressure and can not drop the weight. I'm currently consulting with a different surgeon to schedule a revision. I've undergone the first test and will have an endoscopy in several weeks, then hopefully, I can have the revision. Gaining back the weight has been far worse mentally than being fat prior to WLS. The feelings of failure and disgust with body image constantly haunt me. My best advice is loose the most weight within that first year and if you begin to regain and your Dr. offers no help, then search for a Dr. who will be helpful. Good luck.
   — amistique569

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