What do the rest of you eat?

I was looking at the 5 day pouch test. I am a couple month shy of being two years out. I pretty much eat like days 2-5 all the time, with the exception of adding cottage cheese and a high protein, low carb, low sugar 3, yogert. Anyway, I always eat my protein first and if I do eat a starch with my meal it is like a tablespoon full. And maybe a very small salad, or vegetable serving. What are the rest of you who are 2 or more years out eating to maintain? I still get that real full almost uncomfortable feeling when I eat dense meat, just like in the beginning. I guess that is the secret to my success. But if there are some things I could have to give me more variety without adding weight, I'm all ears! Love to all the OH family!    — lesleigh07 (posted on September 8, 2009)

September 8, 2009
I'm not that far out as I only had surgery on 7/31/09. You might try the website -- theworldaccordingtoeggface. There are some awesome recipes and quite a variety, too.
   — flybaby46

September 9, 2009
Do a Google search for high protein foods. I eat a lot of peanut butter, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese, beans, meat, fish etc...Stay away from protein drinks...
   — Kimberly Ten Kate

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