How do I deal with constant nausea and the fact that everything I eat tastes awful.

I am 10 weeks post op and everything I eat gives me nausea. Everything tastes awful. I often shy away from eating because I don't want to be sick. I have finally gotten the diarrhea under control, but can't seem to eat anything without the nausea except chicken noodle soup. When does this food taste issue solve itself? When will food taste more normal? Is there anything I can eat to ease in to normal eating without nausea. Sometimes I even have to lay down for a few hours after eating. I am not eating fats or drinking milk products. The Dr. gave me Reglan for the nausea and it didn't help. Now they say not to take it because it can make the nausea worse in some. Help. I am not getting enough to eat. Even Crystal Lite and water make my stomach upset.    — LINDA B. (posted on October 30, 2001)

October 30, 2001
I'm pre-op so I haven't been in this situation, but I once read somewhere that when women have severe morning sickness and keep even water down, sometimes they can keep watermelon and grapes down. I don't know if that's any help but it might provide a little respite from chicken noodle soup all the time. Good luck and I hope things improve.
   — Meredith P.

October 30, 2001
Hi Linda... I sympathize. I was in the same condition post-op. I don't want to scare you, but it lasted for about 10 months...although I found there were some things I could eat without getting sick. I could have salads with dressing. Any fresh (very fresh, very crisp) vegetable was okay. Just remember to chew to mush. I drank a lot of protein supplement the first ten months, and I experimented with protein bars until I found some I could tolerate. Most are just disgustingly sweet. I liked the Solid Protein. As long as I was getting my 70 grams of protein and took my vitamins, I didn't worry too much about eating food....although I did enjoy those salads. It is funny how your taste changes, however. Nothing looked good. Even my favorites foods. Now, at 16 months post-op, food still doesn't appeal to me nearly as much as it did before. I have no interest in my "old" favorite foods. Not even chocolate. Vegetables have to be absolutely fresh to appeal to me, no sign of wilt. Very few places make a salad I will eat. I try to look on all this as a positive change. I have little appetite and almost no interest in food. I keep the freezer stocked with Lean Cuisines, and when I am hungry, they do very nicely. I also like mixed nuts. crackers. popcorn. and my protein supplements. What is amazing to me is how much more time I have to do fun things now that I am not shopping and cooking and doing dishes every day. It's wierd. But it's good. Hang in there.
   — Anne G.

October 30, 2001
Hi--I had the same problem at first..I found that saltine crackers(no salt) with alittle peanut butter worked miracles!! also instant cream of wheat. I used unsweetend cool aid and added just alittle Equal because even water tasted aweful to me. I didnt have the nausea as bad as what you describe, but maybe these things will help you some..Take care!!
   — Donna S.

October 30, 2001
You'll need to ask your doc to do a scope. Don't mess with it. A marginal ulcer (which can form at the stoma---goes-outta----) can perforate. It's easily fixed in the early stages, so please check it out, ASAP.
   — vitalady

February 19, 2003
I had the same thing going on, infact I was to the point that I would get light headed when I stood up. The problem was dehydration, the only thing that helped to pull me out of it was pedialight and lots of liquids. I felt better within hours.
   — Mark L.

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