Has anyone experienced a delay in there 1st period scheduled after surgery i'm 4 days late and

20days postop is this normal with people that have this surgery?    — TRACY D. (posted on October 10, 2001)

October 10, 2001
I'm not sure about being late with a period. I think having this radical, major surgery does weird things to your body. I've been on Depo Provera injections for three years and for three years have not had a period. It was wonderful. I had surgery on 9-17-01 and started a period the end of September. Very discouraging. Give your OB/GYN a call if you feel this is abnormal. Good luck! :-)
   — Jennifer H.

October 10, 2001
I was late after surgery too...I was told that this is common and not to worry about it. Good luck!
   — Becky H.

October 10, 2001
Man ain't that the truth. I have two periods a month, and I'm on Norplant :P The gyno says its cuz my body is in shock from the weightloss...
   — jammie B.

October 10, 2001
Being late after a major surgery isn't very uncommon.. BUT.. why not take a home pregnancy test (if you have been "exposed" that is)? If by any chance you are pregnant, you will need to get yourself to the OB post-haste to insure good health.
   — BethVBG

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