What kind of questions do they ask in the physc test?

   — pugsley101 (posted on May 22, 2008)

May 22, 2008
I took a "fill in the bubble" test of sorts, after that, I sat down with the Shrink and we talked about me :o) He was really nice, asked me about my weight history, what my goals were and how realistic they might be. He also brought up depression, if any, and what my plan of action I had to meet my goals. Good Luck, it's painless.
   — MySonsMama

May 22, 2008
My eval. was pretty short and sweet. He questioned what I knew about lap band, surgery and my life afterwards. He wanted to know about depression, and my past efforts of my yo yo diet. As he was asking questions he was typing answers into the computer. It was a sinch !
   — Dianne P.

May 22, 2008
They told me it would take 4 hours. What could we possibly talk about for 4 hours?
   — pugsley101

May 22, 2008
Men, they love to hear you talk about men and the pain they give us. LOL
   — SkinnyLynni2B

May 22, 2008
On my evaluation it took a little over an hour. I was asked questions about my weight and attempts at loosing weight and the all important reason for weight loss. It was painless. LOL. Except for the part about hating to be fat and being judged before anyone knew who I truly was.
   — mannecote

May 22, 2008
The answers will vary widely. Best to ask the person you're going to see. Mine was a 45 minute interview.
   — Shirley D.

May 22, 2008
Mine took about 3 hours. I had to fill in the bubble test of about 600 questions. Then 2 more tests and he made me copy objects that were drawn and do a match the word to the definition test and also a logic test. felt like i was in school. He did talk some about my diet history and coping mechanisims after he got the results done from all those tests (about 2 weeks later). hope this helps Arden
   — bikermama

May 22, 2008
I just took the test on wed the 21. The test is like a personality test. It asks you if you like certain things like, flowers, are yu afraid of fire, do you love your mom, do you ever think about death. Those are the type of questions. there are about 600 questions that I took and really its not very hard. just to find out if you if you are ready to except whats going to happen.
   — charity9

May 22, 2008
You are probably going to take the MMP test which grades your mental health. Look it up on Google. Marti P
   — Marti P.

May 22, 2008
Mine was short and sweet. He asked me what the difference was between the lap band surgery and the bypass surgery. I brought up the sleeve surgery because that's what I wanted in the beginning. He asked me if I knew what the risks were and what diets I have tried. I think it took all of 10 minutes.
   — Kar708

May 22, 2008
Wow, these answers vary so much it's amazing. Mine was basically to find out if I had any current or past hystory of eating disorders and depression. Also focused on being mentally prepared for the emotional aspects of the life long changes that have to be made with WLS. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

May 22, 2008
Mine lasted about 15 minutes (it took him that long to type the letter while I was there) I am BiPolar and he knew it and didn't ask anything.
   — dyates2948

May 22, 2008
I took the "test" yesterday. No big deal. Very straight forward questions about feelings, relationships, work etc. Go with your first feeling, they are usually correct. AND remember there is no wrong answer
   — Linda W.

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