nicotine in blood work

I am scheduled for surgery on May 4, 2009, my pre-op appt. is in five days, I last smoked today, will this show up in blood work and could that postpone my surgery?    — wickedone (posted on April 19, 2009)

April 19, 2009
stays in your blood for 20 days past your last smoke and 7 days in urine and yes they can cancell the surgery till you have quit i had to quit 8 weeks before and a friend of mine got cancelled cause of this
   — sl1pp1nghalo

April 19, 2009
honestly i didnt even know they tested that. i smoked up untill the day i went in. i was fine. only prob now is i am sneeking ciggs here and there..
   — vmidiri

April 20, 2009
I'm an ex-smoker and we must remain strong before and after surgery. You do not want a nasty cig to stand in your way of a new life. Also, 100% of post-op patients who smoke will acquire an ulcer. My sister did and she can't live without her protonix because of the pain. DO NOT SMOKE!!
   — Bootsee01

April 20, 2009
I completely feel for ya. Major to do either but both? You are obviously very strong and determined. We all know with stress comes needing a cig. I understand how hard it is. Please know you can do it. Just try not to feed the monster that chained me for over 20 yrs. 3 yrs non smoker. If i can do it, believe me YOU CAN TOO. If you cant right now, let the cards fall where they may. You know eventially the stupid things have to go, just try to get it over with. There is NEVER a good time to want to withdrawal. You will be surprised at the way the body gets through the process. The mind is where your taunting cravings come from after a few days. I read the book "Easy Way" to quit smoking. Its at the library. Good luck!!! Pam
   — prdurham

April 20, 2009
I was told that they will cancel the surgery if your bloodwork comes back with nicotine. I have just finished all tests etc so I do not have a date yet but I do know it will not be scheduled without having quit and being 30 days smoke free. I have an appointment thursday to be hypnotized. It worked for me some years ago but I eventually gave in after a year and a half. I have tried on my own and its not working so I am determined and THURSDAY it is. I know some have smoked right up to the surgery but it really is in your best interst to be at minimum 30 days smoke free. Longer is better. Best of luck!!!
   — didim62

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