Has anyone tried or using ANDREW LESSMAN Vitamins

I was watching hsn last night and Andrew Lessman was on talking about his vitamins. They are cap and absorb fast and he had a hair skin and nails. Thanks    — T. Rosario (posted on November 6, 2005)

November 6, 2005
I've used the Hair, Skin & Nails before and didn't have problems; however, you can find cheaper stuff. I've had great luck with the Futurebiotics brand $10.17 for 135 tabs, free shipping over $40 at
   — cddgo

March 24, 2007
I adore this product, and any others I have tried from Andrew Lessman. My nails are gourgeous, my hair is never brittile and grows like crazy, and my skin is markedbly improved. Andrew's products are the best out there. There are no unaturaly ingredients and there is always a money back guarentee. They may cost a bit more than your average drug store selection but trust me, in the long run you will see the difference and feel the greater quaility of his vitamins/supplements
   — 808hope

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