Need help about to have surgery!!

hi, having surgery 3/27/06 anyone have any suggestions on what necessities if any do i need to pack to take to the hospital the day of surgery???    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on March 6, 2006)

March 6, 2006
Lisa, I'm so happy for you! I'm sorry that I don't have an answer for you, but I just wanted to say hey, and good luck! Your surgery is 2 days before my consult, and I can imagine how excited you are! Hopefully I will be right behind you! Take care and best wishes to you.
   — Karrie W.

March 6, 2006
I am having surgery March 9. I just packed my bags for the hospital a little early due to my schedule. I packed the following items: I am wearing loose fitting clothes to the hospital and that is what I will wear home. 1. Robe, and PJ's, underware, slippers with rubber soles 2. Makeup, brush, comb, mirror 3. Shampoo, Conditioner, hair dryer 4. Chapstick, (very important) 5. Lotion 6. Glass cleaner for glasses 5. Tooth brush, toothpaste, floss 6. Ear plugs, (so I can sleep) 7. Book, Magazines 8. Medications if your Dr. tells you to bring them Hope this helps!
   — GertieMae3

March 6, 2006
Bring yourself, panties, soap and wear home the clothes you arrived in. Everything else will just be extra crap you'll never use. You will be in no mood to make yourself look nice, you will have an IV making it near impossible to wear shirts/robes, and even if you feel like reading, which I doubt, the pain meds make it difficult to read. You will also be very tired and the mear thought of doing anything more than taking a shower will just exhaust you. Rest while you are there, your body will need it.
   — RebeccaP

March 6, 2006
I packed a nightgown, robe, slippers, toothbrush, paste, hairbrush, cologne, makeup, and tee shirts and a book. I didn't even open my bag until discharge! I used the supplies provided by the hospital, even the slippers! I was given a clean hospital gown everyday and wore it, because I had IVs and a drainage bulb that was leaking, so blood dripped on the gown and I couldn't see getting mine all nasty. I wore the same clothes home, other than a clean pair of panties. I wore no underwear while in the hospital....didn't want anything on the incisions! Took no showers, just birdbaths! Take very little with you.......I doubt you'll need it!
   — LauraA

March 6, 2006
Lisa, I agree with all the answers above somewhat. I am 3 weeks post op and all I used in the hospital was my toothbrush, chapstick (yes very important) and I took a pair of pajama pants. Even though they give you a nice clean gown everyday, they don't always conceal everything so the pants were nice when doing a stroll by the nurses station. Good luck with your surgery.
   — desjmt

March 7, 2006
Hi Lisa... Congrats! I just had mine on Feb 20. I know it's probably a little different for a guy, but Rebecca and Donna had the basic ideas. With the IV you're not going to be able to change into clothes very easily. I took everything that is listed by the others and didn't use any of it. As soon as you get there, you'll be told to put on the gown, so you can use the same clothes to go home in. For the walks they gave me another gown to put on backwards which then conceiled everything. So my suggestion is the bare essentials: toothbrush/toothpaste, chapstick, and some sort of entertainment (cards, large-font search-a-word). The rest of the time rest and relax... and do the exercises the P.T. tells you. Good Luck :)
   — james_chapman

March 7, 2006
Congratulations on your up coming surgery. A few of the items that were the best for me were wet wipes and a plastic or wooden spoon. I don't know about you, but I don't enjoy the idea of someone cleaning me up if I can do it. You feel a strain to reach to clean yourself, but a spoon really helps reach, and a wet wipe gets you pretty clean. They thought I was nuts, but it really worked. Ofcourse I threw the spoon away after I was able to reach again. I also brought some color to the hospital, a colorful blanket so I didn't have to look like a white sheet all the time. It was cheerful. I also bring 3 gift bags to give to the best three nurses/aides that help me through. You can never be too thankful for those who help you, even if they are paid to do so. I wish you well. Patty P
   — Patricia P

March 17, 2006
Dont forget a 21" necklace -- this will help hold one of your tubes when you can shower!
   — tweazee

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