Marathon Runner

Hi! everyone. I'm 8 months post op down 94 lbs. 272/178 and running my first marathon this Sunday May 7th. I was wondering if anyone here has completed a marathon after surgery and if so did you carb load the days before the race? I know we should not consume to many carbs which I don't I was just wondering if it would benefit me the way it would someone who did not have the surgery? While training for the marathon I did consume (in moderation) carbs pasta, rice, bread but not to the extent of carb loading. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Lap RNY Sept 12th 2005    — giggles (posted on May 2, 2006)

May 2, 2006
Scott Boliver PhD. is an active marathon runner and both he and his wife Dolly have had RNY. I met them at the Cali OH Nat'l Convention a year and a half ago. They are both active on the Cali board and their profiles are searchable on the OH site. They are really neat people. Hope that helps.... Best of Luck on Sunday. Hugs from your Okie friend,
   — wealthgvr

May 3, 2006
Have a great race! Do the rest of us - your (RNY family) proud! Robert
   — RobertMiller

May 4, 2006
Hi there...I just want to say AWESOME!!!! Good for you!!! I know someone who got very sick because he DID NOT carb load. I wouldn't worry about your carb intake if you are running a marathon you need it because it is immediate need that breaking down of fat cannot fuel you fast enough. Also you are burning thousands of calories so by all means you must increase you calories and carbs or you can be very ill. Good luck to you!!! Git 'r Done!!!
   — SteffieBear15

May 9, 2006
I have run 12 marathons, six pre-op and six post-op and am now preparing for #13 June 4th. The answer to your question is yes. You should eat carbs prior to running and during your run (gels or bars if you do not dump). Carbs will provide you with the energy to finish the race. Carb loading is usually not done properly. For carb loading to be effective, you must first deprive your body of carbs for a few days and then load on carbs for a couple days before the race. You can get more information on proper carb loading by doing a search on the internet. I hope this helps!
   — scott b

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