I need to losse 20 LBS in 6 weeks..

i need to losse 20 lbs in 6 weeks.. i know so what what i need to do. but also would love some input. thing that will help me. Thanks    — Amberlee2002 (posted on January 23, 2008)

January 23, 2008
Why do you need to loss 20 lbs in 6 weeks. Are you a pre-op. Your doctor should have given you a diet program if he wants you to lose that amount before surgery. Good luck! Pat
   — pjennjr

January 23, 2008
You need to follow a somewhat similar protocol to eating after surgery. Give up sodas, cookies, candy, cakes, pie, pretzels, high carb foods, most nuts, etc. Buy a protein whey powder and supplement your more limited diet. Try to eat as healthy as possible. Eat veggies, fruits, protein--limit starches, carbs, and sugars. READ labels--sugar is hidden in many foods. Drink plenty of water, or juices with natural sugars--try to avoid grape or pinneapple juice because of high sugar content. If you are able to, exercise. You can get videos of "chair exercises" on line or rent them. These are low impact and may be what you'll need to start an exercise regimine after surgery. My surgeon told me to loose weight also. I lost 17 pounds in the 3 weeks before surgery, as my surgeon said he would not do the surgery if I gained one pound. Weight loss prior to surgery is not a bad thing--it makes the LAP RNY procedure much easier for the doctor, as the weight loss will reduce a fatty liver, allowing him to do surgery easier.
   — Dave Chambers

January 23, 2008
i lost 30 lbs. in 4 weeks prior to surgery ( i was told i needed to lose 15), i mainly watched the carbs. less than 30 grams a day. i also love veggies and just boiled them in chicken broth (zucchinni, onions, celery) i always ate the before so was no different. i upped my protein also but did watch the portions. eat sf popsicles and sf jello. good luck, you can do it.
   — bumstier

January 23, 2008
! thing I learned when i lost before my surgery, my dietician told us to eat proteinds first, then veggies and carbs last. Eat slow and no drinking while you are eating( same as after your surgery), Try your best to stop when you start to feel full not when you are stuffed, and if you have to snack, try fresh fruit like apples the fibers will help keep you cleaned out... can b filling but yet can be pretty lite, if you pick the right ones, so read labels.. Also you can eat soups, they The best advice I can give you is too start eating now as you will eat afterwards, low fat, low carb foods, get use to it, it will make it easier... congratulations and hang in there you will be fine
   — dapoohster38

January 23, 2008
yes i am pre-op .. i have been working on this for a week now but i just want to make sure i doing thing right .. 1500 - 1800 calorie diet .. but when i started WLS i stop soda , breads ect. but from holiday i want up a few lbs i mean a few too.. but my bmi is 68 and it need to below 65 for i can see the Dr ...
   — Amberlee2002

January 23, 2008
I did a modified atkins, which was all the protein bars, sugar free/carb free russel stover candies (they have reeses PB cups, choc covered toffee squares, peppermint patties etc...all less than 2 grams of carbs per pack...usually about 1.5 grams!!!!!!) and crystal light, sobe lean, and low carb fuze drinks (like sobe lean) If I needed something more, I ate alot of cheese, just kept my carbs below 40 grams/day. I lost 28 lbs in 2 weeks. This is a liver shrinking diet, but I did keep it all off until I had my band and the 6 weeks post op until I got my fill. good luck just remember... check the protein bars..most are very high in carbs. I like the atkins bars the best.
   — mccabesmom

January 23, 2008
I lost 30lbs in a little over a month right before surgery, I took out ALL sugars and did the Optifast diet for two of those weeks.. I changed how I ate I would eat my proteins first then vegies then if I had any room left I would eat the rest of what was for supper. Most of the time I didn't eat anything after the veggies. Watch your carb intake, do not go over 19g per meal and that will help you lose weight too. Drink lots of water... LOTS of water.. :) I hope this will help you. God bless you Paula
   — japaad

January 23, 2008
Your Dr's office should have a nutritionist. You need to meet with her, because they have many different diets. Best of Luck.
   — Crickett_1

January 23, 2008
Hi Amber, I need to lose 17 lbs by Feb. 19th so I am in the same boat as you. I am actually doing my pre-op diet now. 3 Protein shakes a day, 7 cups of liquid (water and crystal light) and a healthy low carb-low fat supper (4 oz of lean meat, cup of vegetable and 1/2 cup of starch). So far, I have lost 8 lbs and only 9 more to go.--Karen
   — Karen M.

January 23, 2008
I too had to go on low fat-low carb 1000 calorie diet for 2 weeks before surgery. It was to shrink your liver more than anything else but I did lose 12 lbs in those 2 weeks. I found that writting down everything you eat with the calorie count kept me on the straight and narrow. Somedays I even had some calories to spare. Most important stick to low fat foods. Good Luck.
   — changemyshape

January 23, 2008
If your surgeon asked you to do this, he should of given you something to aid you - some guidelines, etc. My surgeon requires everyone to do a liquid diet before surgery and people lose a lot of weight doing it. I changed my lifestyle 5 months prior to my surgery - so I didn't lose as much as other people did. I cut out all carbonated drinks. I started to eat like I would after surgery - cut down the portion sizes, started to eat based on the guidelines of per 100 calories, no more than 3grams of fat and no more then 6 grams of sugar. I kept it to 1000 calories or less a day. Then I went to the liquid diet phase and ate (SlimFast high protein, carnation instant breakfast drinks, broth, cream soup, applesauce, pudding, jello, yogart, and all of the water w/crystal light I could stand, LOL. I lost 25lbs just changing my lifestyle and lost an addition 12lbs doing the liquid diet. Good luck.
   — jammerz

January 24, 2008
There is an non surgical procedure that can help you, its an intragastric ballon form HELIOSCOPIE, check it out at
   — Rodolfo Sanchez Jr.

February 7, 2008
Hi, I went to that website and basically it just gave me the mexican version of the lap band...and how is it nonsurgical? I mean how would you get the balloon in the stomach in the first place without surgery? Please don't tell me you swallow it...yikes! I too want to lose about 20-25lbs before surgery. My doctor isn't really pushing me to lose the weight just wants me to eat at least 75grams of protein..and that is hard because every food I find that's remotely healthy has 2grams here 3 grams there...I mean I'm not one of those people that sit down and eat full meals I like to snack all day so I'm not getting 70-75grams of protein a day. I might just get protein pills at the vitamin store, to help me. I have 2 more visits left before they send all my paperwork to the insurance company so, I'm not even sure if they want to approve me or not but all my doctors keep telling me that I should have no problem getting approved. yea!
   — MuzikGurl

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