Anyone had surgery at Penn???

   — wendy-s (posted on January 20, 2009)

January 20, 2009
HI my name is Walt Buzby. I had gastric bypass on dec 4th at the university of penn. This hospital along with DR Williams are second to none. Please dont hesitate to go they are a hospital of excellence.also athe appts u will have with them the wait is minimal.I cant say enough about the hospital, nurses and Drs.
   — webuzby

January 20, 2009
8th and spruce!! on 11/06 !! and my husband had surgery on 5/06 -- awesome experience -- i was there for thanksgiving and the nurses treated me with so much care and respect -- you would never know i was there over a holiday -- we both had dr. matt kirkland -- great surgical team and office staff -- a yr later my husband went back for hernia repair and had another great experience -- i would recommend them to everyone :)
   — RCassety

January 20, 2009
Hi, I also had surgery at HUP w/Dr. Williams (Lap RNY 2/21/08). My highest weight was 374, day of surgery 366, now 235 (and counting down, lol). My experience at HUP overall was excellent! Dr. Williams's staff is terrific and I feel that the care I received was second to none. As an example, the I had an issue with the drain that was placed in my abdomen. At one point when I went to get up to walk, it apparently pulled a bit and it must have inflammed a nerve inside my abdomen the pain was awful and I was barely able to move because of it. It was actually more painful than any of the incisions. The staff kept me in the hosiptal an additional couple of days to determine the cause of the pain and to ensure that it would clear up and I would be able to function. I was really comforted by the fact that I wasn't just discharged because the "guidelines" dictated my length of stay within the hospital. I appreciated the fact that each case is looked at individually. The only issue I have with Dr. Williams's office is that I have yet to see him again. Each f/u visit I've had has been with the Nurse Practitioner and the Nutritionist. I understand that his time is valuable but it would be nice to actually see the surgeon for f/u visits sometime. Would I do it again at the same facility w/the same surgeon? Absolutely!!! Good luck to you and let us know how you make out! Marion
   — dsmuffin

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