Kidney Stones Post Op

I was feeling crummy and was diagnosed with kidney stones. The urologist feels it is from the amount of protein and calcium I need to take post surgery. I mentioned to my surgeon and he scoffed. Feedback more than welcome!    — phlashh (posted on February 17, 2009)

February 17, 2009
I think your urologist needs to get some more current data. Please refer to the January-February issue of Nutrition Acion Health Letter ( published by the non profit group Center For Science In the Public Interest). A "special feature" in this issue is an article on kidney stones that runs from pages 9 to 11. Of special note are the studies cited about amounts of calcium taken in food or supplements, and the reduced cases of kidney stones in the patients who had appreciable calcium from foods or supplements. As a sidelight, I have a good friend, a woman who had RNY some 11 months ago. She has kidney stones, and she steadfastly maintains that her urologist wants her to drind 2 GALLONS OF WATER daily, which she does--and has not had any stone issues since she drinks this much fluid. She too takes her calcium citrate. Without your calcium citrate in your daily diet, you're likely to have a lot worse issues than kidney stones. Please read the article I noted. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

February 17, 2009
I feel for you. Having same issues. Had rny may,07, had 2 bouts so far of kidney stones. My urologist sent me to a kidney specialist. He took me off calcium citrate, and put me on calcium carbonate/plus vit D, 2x x day, plus 3 regular strength tums , 1 at each meal. I was told my stones are from a high oxalate level, not the calcium. So i have to avoid foods which are high in oxalate, which tea is number 1, black pepper is also very high in it. If you have passed stones, make sure they are analyzed to see exactly what kind of stones they are. There are several types of kidney stones that can form.I had a very lg stone that blocked the ureter last may, 1.5 cm, which is very big, had to be surgically removed, had 3 small in right kidney, which i just passed 1 on 2-13. Went yesterday for another renal ultrasound, still showing 1. See dr again next week, but was already told they will probably have to put me in hospital again and zap them out. Good luck with this, i know what you're going through. But please follow up with any stones you may pass. Feel free to write me if any questions.... Take care. Darlene
   — Darlene G.

February 17, 2009
From experience: when I had MY gastric bypass(RnY) back in September of 2006 I immediately started feeling "crummy" and what do you know? Just two months later I had to have emergency surgery to take my gallbladder out as I had developed gallstones. a month after that I started developing kidney stones in both kidneys one after the other. All in all I believe I must have had like seven bouts of kidneys stones, four hospital visits and two stays(one of the stays was for an infection caused by a blockage cause by one of the stones). I was told my high protein diet caused my kidneys to go all crazy like that. At the time I was doing a lot of liquid protein with water, water, water since I was fresh out. I'm two and a half years out and since I eased out on the high protein stuff I have not had a kidney stone in over 1 and a half years.
   — missconduct

February 17, 2009
Yes it can happen but doesn't happen to everyone. I had stones before RNY and I had them after. The amount of calcium we take can contribute to the stones. My urologist said to drink water with lemon in it. Make sure to remove the peel. This makes calcium slippery and it will not bind with the oxilate and make stones. It's not garunteed but it helps. I had 8 stones in one year and spent 5 days in the hospital cause they got stuck in the uritor twice. The urologist or search on line for the list of foods that promote stones and the ones that don't. Good Luck!
   — Belanna

February 18, 2009
Perhaps sticking to the amount of protein needed, and no more per day, and the right amount of calcium between food and supplements and no more should be the goal. I'm taking Actigal to prevent kidney stones, but still worry. I've had them a few years ago before surgery.
   — lorannw

February 18, 2009
Calcium isn't the ONLY cause of kidney stones. The most COMMON cause is DEHYDRATION. One of the best CURES is to drink plenty of WATER with a TWIST of LEMON JUICE. The acid in the lemon tends to help DISOLVE any CALCIUM or other deposits that may build up in the kidneys. Take it from a TWO TIME kidney stone sufferer! I have learned that you do NOT want to be dehydrated! Stay AWAY from caffeine! This means TEA, COFFEE, and SODAS! These are some of the WORST culprits in causing KIDNEY STONES because they help CAUSE dehydration! They also have chemicals that can build up in the kidneys just like CALCIUM and can CAUSE STONES! The BEST THING you can drink is WATER! You need bout a GALLON a day to keep your kidneys healthy. If you have PROBLEMS with your kidneys, you may need even MORE.
   — hubarlow

February 18, 2009
I have head the same in my suport group and one doc said to drink lemon aid surgar free of coarse. Good luck
   — Scott Ambrose

March 19, 2009
LOL - But not funny at all while passing my first kidney stone. RNY 6/02 and for the last year problems with severe anemia r/t inability to absorb ferratin. Now problems with high calcium oxilate crystals causing kidney stones. There is alot of information that urologist can provide to life after gastric bypass as they are seeing alost of patients with post op complications.
   — Rgreathouse95

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