is there a place on the web that has a list of soft food after bypass surgery that i

   — alberta49 (posted on December 22, 2009)

December 22, 2009
Your doctor will provide you with a list of acceptable foods for you according to his plan for you. As I've mentioned in an earlier post, different doctors have different ideas of what is acceptable and it is important you follow your doctor's orders to the letter...Good luck to you!!
   — Karen K.

December 22, 2009
PIMENTO CHEESE,cream cheese mixed with tuna,egg salad,refried beans with cheese,one of the best things i did was to make a pot of stew in the crock pot then put a couple of cups in the blender(meat,veg and gravy)blend and reze in an ice cube tray.when frozen i put cubes into a ziplock bag and as i needed microwaved one or two.this tasted so good and was satifying.
   — Bette Drecktrah

December 23, 2009
I actually baked a Lean Cuisine salmon dinner and then pureed the whole thing. It didn't look pretty but it tasted good. I knew there was a lot of protein in salmon but I'm not crazy about eating it.
   — Muggs

December 24, 2009
I visited with a nutritionist prior to surgery who gave me an eating plan pre-post and that helped me tremendously. After surgery the hospital gave me creamed soups, juices & instant breakfasts. Anything soft like that is good. I had surgery 2.5 yrs ago (full gastric) so pouch is very small & light foods were better. Good luck!!!
   — lornazb1

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