When I wake up from surgery will I Have a

I was just wondering if when i wake up from surgery will i have a catheter in? Does anyone remember this and if so how long do they keep it in??    — drunyan (posted on May 2, 2006)

May 2, 2006
I had a open rny and did not have a bladder catheter, I did have a nasal gastric tube and a gastric tube that went through my tummy into the old stomach. But if you are worried about something ask the surgeon that will be doing it, it is the doc's responsibility to answer all you questions fully. Christina
   — Stormchild

May 2, 2006
I did have a catheter! I had my surgery on a Tuesday and the catheter came out on Wednesday. I have had them before and so I could barely even feel it. Painless removal.
   — Pamela B.

May 2, 2006
Yes I had a Foley (urinary) cath until the morning after surgery as well as the IV cath until the same time. They put the foley in while I was under anesthesia and the IV in the preop area. Good luck
   — dabby

May 2, 2006
Dawn-My husband thought I was nuts when my biggest worry about surgury was having a cath put in. I know I'm a grown woman, but I just don't like the idea of people doing stuff down there. I asked before my surgury and the nurse said they would insert a foley cath while I was unconsious but prior to surgury, then remove it before I woke up. They did insert it while I was out, but it was still in when I awoke. I was told that my first words when waking up were "do I have a cath in?" I asked the nurse how I could get it out and she told me that I would have to be able to walk down the hall to the restroom before they could remove it. I no sooner was on my feet and walking to that restroom. I ended up having my cath out about 3 hours after surgury. Sorry if this is too much information, I just got so excited when I saw that someone else was worried about one of the same "weird" things I was. Good luck! -Becky
   — onmiway

May 3, 2006
Mine was inserted while I was under and it came out the day after surgery. It was nice to be able to concentrate on feeling better and not worry about getting up every half hour to urinate. Since I was receiving IV fluids, the urge to urinate was very frequent after the catheter came out!
   — LauraA

May 3, 2006
I had my surgery 4/14/06 and did not have a catheter in but they had to reinsert one the night of my surgery because I could not urinate. They left it in another day and then took it out. There was no pain involved. My friend had her surgery one week later and the surgeon (same one I had) did leave her catheter in until the following day after surgery.
   — classite

May 3, 2006
When I had my LAP RNY I awakened with a catheter in place. It was removed the next day.
   — Tiff's On a Mission

May 4, 2006
I also had a catheter that was inserted after I was knocked out.....and removed that afternoon. I honestly wish they had left it in longer...with the IV fluids dripping constantly I was up every hour all night long going to the bathroom. At first I called the nurse to help me out of bed and in getting my leg compressors off...but after getting up so many times I figured out a way to do it by myself.....but many times I wished the cath was still in place. LAP RNY 12/22/05
   — mmcphee1

May 5, 2006
That could be a good question for the pre-op nurses and staff. I did not have a cath in, and I agree w/ the above poster that of all the comcerns I had, a cath was my biggest worry! I had my surgery on a Tuesday morning and by midnight I was told I needed to urinate or I would get cathed. Let me tell you, I had a little chat w/ God while sitting there...I am serious! I ended up not neededing a cath - YAY! Good luck in your weight loss!!!!!
   — Mrs. Crabapple

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