i have done everything my dr has requested me to do for my surgery.

has anyone surgery been delayed because they have to lose a certain amt of wt? my dr says i have to lose another twenty lbs so he can have room to work i don't understand because he has done pts that were bigger than me and i am getting kind of downhearted because they scheduled my surgery and then cancelled it. any comments or suggestions would be highly appreciated i don't have any bad health problems except osteoarthritis and sleep apnea and controlled high blood pressure    — wpk89 (posted on March 30, 2008)

March 30, 2008
Winnie, Hang in there. If your doctor is requiring you to lose more weight, I am sure there is a good reason. You would not want to put yourself at any higher risk than necessary. ANd our comorbidities may be the reason. The surgery will come soon enough. Like you, I wanted to get it going, so I could start losing! dana
   — jujuprof

March 30, 2008
Good afternoon, Don't take it personally because my doctor had me to loose some weight before he would do my surgery also. It is for several reasons one of which is to shrink down the liver and it makes it much easier for them to work in there. I had to loose some weight also and was advised that if I did not loose it that my surgery would be postponed. It will be okay. They are not singling you out. Best of luck to you!
   — Jean N.

March 30, 2008
Hi Winne, Don't let this get you down. I have watched the surgery on web came live before I had it and they have to lift up your liver to get to the stomach. If they don't and on heavier patients, they just cut them opem for room. You don't what that as the healing takes a lot longer. Just work with the Doctor. Let him know that your trust him, and are disapointed, and will do all you can as ask him to give you advise on what you can do on this new diet to keep your surgery date in site.
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 30, 2008
Most surgeons want you to loose some weight just prior to surgery. Obese people tend to have fatty livers. Loosing some weight relatively fast will help remove a good portion of the fat on the liver. If the liver is smaller, the LAP procedure is much easier to do. My surgeon told me 3 weeks prior to surgery he'd like me to lose wieght, and if I gained one pound, surgery would be cancelled. I made a concerted effort and lost 17 pounds, and my surgeon was happy with that.
   — Dave Chambers

March 30, 2008
well keep in mind people are built different and maybe you have an enlarged liver or xtra fatty tissue around the liver and he wants it to be easier to work around so i would go ahead and try to lose the xtra weight. my dr made me lose about 25 lbs before surgery. I think it was also to prove to him I was serious. Some ppl go on a binge after they know they are scheduled and it is approved.. which is wrong but do not give up and show him how bad you want this and your willing to do what it takes. try protein liquid that shrinks your stomache and liver and cleans your system out along with a strict liquid diet. like cans soups low sodium ex . cream of mushroom cream of chkn progresso 99% fat free.., jello , some lowfat puddind, plenty of water and protein shakes or drinks in supplemnt of a meal. it will work i promise and i know it is hard but keep your head up. i have lost about 135-140 in 1 1/2 yrs it was all worth it. good luck to you!!!!

March 31, 2008
In W, Thanks for writing. Don't lose heart. The surgeon could be very concerned about your health. Every patient is different, and even though they have done "others" that were heavier, you don't know their health or their story, so don't compare. What you can do is drink water instead of other beverages (except milk), walk around the block and cut all crap out of your diet, and eat lean proteins and veggies. See if 20 pounds don't fall off you pretty quick. It could be the surgeon is concerned about your commitment to work after surgery as well. This is a big surgery, and W. you have a big BMI, which is means more risk. It can only help you to lose, so go for that walk, drink that water, and fight for your weight loss, your fight is only beginning because you will have to do the very same thing after surgery, so why not start now? Don't wait, and don't doubt, get busy! It will only help you. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

March 31, 2008
Hang in there, you are doing great.. :) I was so glad that I did lose the few pounds before sugery i was able to walk within 30 mins of coming out of anistetic (sp?) and the doctor had no problem getting around my liver. The reasons for the weight loss before hand is so that there is more room around your liver, if the doc would touch it the wrong way trying to move the "fat" out of the way, the liver could start to bleed and you do not want that.... :( Drink plenty of water and try to up your protein this will help with the cravings that you may be getting. I did the special K protein meal bars and protein water and when I started them all my carb cravings went away,, I hope this helps you. God bless you Paula
   — japaad

March 31, 2008
Hi Winnie...Take Heart. I had to lose weight before my surgeon would do my surgery. I didn't understand either but it really helped me once I had the surgery because I couldn't eat. I had to be on Slim Fast only for 2 weeks prior to my surgery. I realize now...7 years later that it helped me tremendously. You are not alone. Been there done that. Best wishes
   — Twanda S.

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