is good to loose 1,000 calories per day?

because i'm doing exsercise with the step machine and is pretty good you sweat a lot plus i eat less than 1,000 calories couse i drink my slim fast optima shake pluse my salad and all that i cut alot of the carbs is there a problem? because my doc. told me i have to loose 12 lb by next month so i'm pumping a lot jajajaja    — luijess (posted on March 23, 2009)

March 23, 2009
You maybe fine short term. If the weight loss slows go up to 1200 calories. Sometimes to low a calorie count will slow weight loss.
   — trible

March 23, 2009
Try to spread out your food/shakes. Have something every 1-2 hours to keep your metabolism burning. Do not go more than 3 hours without eating. Good luck and don't forget to drink as much water as you possibly can.
   — marcia5000

March 23, 2009
I would try the Slim Fast High has more protein in it than the Optima and is otherwise the same.
   — Carrie S.

March 24, 2009
Less is not always more...You will probably lose your 12 lbs in no time...and that is all you are concerned about since you've asked all kinds of crazy dieting questions...When you become a post op, your ideas about losing weight are scary and unhealthy...I hope that if you are approved for surgery, that you learn healthier habits for your own safety and well being. I am not trying to be mean or chastise you, I just want you to learn more about health and safety first...because you can hurt your health and what good would being thin matter without good health? I think you should talk to your doc and a trainer at the gym about your diet while working out...You will lose more weight eating right than not eating...Please seek professional help from someone at the gym you are working out at or your surgeon and/or nutritionist...I really worry about you...You should use your strong will and determination in a more productive way, such as doing research on health and nutrition...WLS is a HUGE responsibility not to losing weight, but to health long term. It only take a year to lose the weight and the rest of you life to stay healthy so you live long enough to enjoy it! Sorry for being so forward...I just want you to be safe...
   — .Anita R.

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