2 yrs post-op RNY. Trouble w/joint swelling/arthritis/short gut syndrome?

Went to an orthopedic surgeon who could only diagnose me w/the possibility of short gut syndrome causing me arthritis in my hands, hips, and lower back. I'm successful w/my weight loss, almost to goal after 2 years. I exercise, I eat well, and I always take my vitamins. Recent blood work showed I was low in iron, now on Vitron C, and calcium was great. So perplexed as to why now I'm having swelling in my thumbs and index fingers...causing me discomfort in doing menial things such as opening jars/buttoning buttons...etc. Also, hip pain has worsened...especially going from a sitting position to stand...I get a catch in both hips. I'm being referred to a rhumetologist in Dec. and it was stated that I will more than likely be seeing one the remainder of my life. Arthritis doesn't run in my family, therefore I wanted to know if many others here are dealing with the same issues. I'm 42...and a mom of a 5 yr's tough to deal with at this age...and with him at his age...I want to stay active with him. I'm not looking forward to dealing with this now. Please let me know if this is a common thing. My bariatric surgeon's office doesn't think it's caused by the surgery...but the orthopedic surgeon believes that it is.    — Cheryl K. (posted on November 16, 2009)

November 16, 2009
Hi, sorry to hear of your trbls. Once you see the Rhumetlogist..things may become clear. There are other things that act as you discribe. My daughter has had Lupus/Arthritis since she was about 12-now 40. I have arthritis..had it before surg (7/08) and still have it. With less is less damaging on my joints...but it didnt go away. Alot of us had many things that went undiagnosed untill we started to lose our weight. Then we also are able to stop many meds we were on do to the weightlose. I wish you well,keep up all your vitamins.
   — tootsie52

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