I am 3 days post op and feel so weak

My surgery was 4/15, and what im am reading is that I need to be walking, and active. But I got light headed just taking a shower, or being up for more than a few minutes.    — sandjrodriguez (posted on April 18, 2009)

April 18, 2009
this actually happened to me alot after my surgery and still does at times. you are dehydrating. you need to make sure you can get as many fluids in as you can handel. i was in the hospital 2 times for passing out due to that. its no fun, first you get week then you get the shakes. just drink drink drink as much as you can
   — vmidiri

April 19, 2009
Like the last answer, drink, drink, drink. I had my surgery 416/08 of last year and my doc told me that I was not drinking enough fluids. Your job right now is to drink, have a drink you your hand all the time. When you get enough fluids you will tell the difference. Am for 8 oz per hour. That is what I did. Good luck.
   — okbuffy

April 20, 2009
It is not only the dehydration, but the lack of protein! You need to make sure you are getting in some protein shakes and chicken or beef broth. Fluids alone will not build your strength and you are of course limited to what you can put in your new stomach. You need to track your intake with a journal so you can monitor. It is very easy to forget what you are doing in this phase of your recuperation. Every 30 minutes you should be taking in sugar free popsicles, sugar free jello, water, broth, protein drink, crystal light and yogurt. I alternated these items and kept my strength up very well. Good luck!
   — kristina838

April 20, 2009
Drink, drink,drink. It's hard to do in the beginning but if you don't you will end up back in the hospital. I also was very weak.If you aren't getting your fluid requirement in you should call your doctor. Good Luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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