Abdominalplasty procedure completed in 1994. Continued to exerise, high low impact

aerobics, weight training, walking 3 to 5 times a week. Excess skin removed, navel repositioned, still from a side view stomach still stands out. Not a very pleasant experience throughout healing process and now considering WLS in 2002. Scary, but I know the weight must come off. Still have bulging stomach, high blood pressure, arthritis at times in the knees, asthma, allergies...really require the surgery but so afraid of undergoing surgery again. Is it safe to try WLS after abdominalplasty.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 8, 2002)

February 4, 2002
Hi! I too had abdominoplasty in the past. The experience wasn't so great, since I am a diabetic and the healing was slow. I am now having gastric bypass on April 10th. I have been reassured by the surgeon and three other nurses I work with the result will be fine. Since abdominoplasty is NOT invasive into the abdominal cavity, scar tissue isnt an issue. Hope this helps!
   — deenurse

October 8, 2003
Abdominoplasty has nothing to do with WLS. WLS is taking your stomach and making a small pouch of it to help with the problem of overeating. Abdominoplasty is sewing your abdomen muscles together after they have been seperated during pregnancy or excessive weight gain.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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