I need a supportive PCP in Atlanta, GA?

I changed insurance and went to a new PCP recommended by a friend. When I expressed my concerns with my weight the PCP told me that I would lose weight if "you just stop putting so much food in your mouth and did something after work instead of sit on the couch". He doesn't know me or my habits. Please, I need help.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 25, 2002)

January 29, 2002
i live in marietta. i use a dr. wallace on windy hill rd. my surgeon for the surgery was a dr. john daly out of northside hospital off johnson ferry rd. both dr's i reccommend highly.
   — marc B.

January 30, 2002
I live in Marietta also and faced the same problem. I changed my PCP to Dr. Steven Schramm on Johnson Ferry Rd (Northsdie Hospital). He is very knowledgeable and has referred me to Dr. Waits office, also located on Johnson's Ferry Rd.
   — Gloria K.

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