My wife is undergoing surgery as i post, her bp was high this morning?

when my wife went to the hospital this morning for surgery when they took her vital signs her pressure was 160/100 should this be a cause for concern, sorry to pester the board but i am a worried spouse?    — Rich C. (posted on May 8, 2002)

May 8, 2002
I would say it's the anxiety from surgery. Even though we all know it's the right thing we're doing, going under any anestetic is enough to raise the blood pressure. I'll keep her in my prayers and you too for the long road of recovery...God Bless (open rny 5-2-02)
   — candymom64

May 8, 2002
My blood pressure was way higher than usual the day of my surgery. I was very anxious and nervous and this was the cause. I will pray for your wife (and you!). I hope everything will be just fine and she will be on her way to better health soon!
   — Mary U.

May 8, 2002
If your wife's surgeon was willing to go ahead with the surgery, I wouldn't worry. He would not have gone ahead with it if he thought it would be a risk to her health. I also think the other posters are right about nerves having a great deal to do with her bp being high.
   — garw

May 8, 2002
I am 4 weeks and 1 day out - I normally had somewhat elevated blood pressure prior to surgery and on the day of surgery, I was at the exact same spot that your wife was at this morning. They were a little concerned but I believe it's somewhat normal because of our nerves & whatnot. If the surgeon took her in, he felt confident that it was okay & he's probably somewhat use to it. The waiting is the hardest part - my husband said it didn't really hit him until they wheeled me in and he felt like a load of bricks were lifted off of him as they came back out. Try and keep your heart & faith lifted towards a positive direction and know we're all an email away - I'll send some prayers to all of you. Sincerely ~ Lisa Jordan (L.J.)
   — Lisa J.

May 8, 2002
I understand your worry. I had very high blood pressure before and on the day of surgery. The anesthesiologist told me he might even cancel my surgery. On the day of surgery, they gave me something in the IV to bring down my BP and they put in an arterial line in case of any heart problems during surgery. I did just fine and the plus side of things is that after surgery my BP was almost normal. In fact I was sent home on no BP meds at all and have remained that way since. Your wife is very lucky to have someone who cares as much as you do. I think she will be just fine.
   — SARose61

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