What will I need away from home for the first one week postop?

In less than 2 weeks I am traveling 500 miles to San Diego (Pacific Bariatric) for lap RNY and will be staying in a hotel for about 4 days after surgery until my one-week followup visit. I will have a friend with me. What do I need in the hotel? I'll be flying so I must pack my bag judiciously.    — Peggy H. (posted on January 19, 2003)

January 19, 2003
some decaff. tea, crystal lite, some sf jello and sf pudding, some carnation sf breakfast mix, protein powders, gas x and some sf mints.... thats a start
   — paulsgirl

January 19, 2003
well, there really is little need to pack FOOD in your bags.. there ARE supermarkets in san diego (or so i've been told) if it were me, i would plan on buying some FEW food items after i got there, such as: pre-mixed crystal lite bottles; sugar-free, lowfat yoghurt; the vitamins and supplements that we all have to take...; prepared sugarfree jello... i'd pack the things like the toiletries i liked, things which would make me feel good (remember, you're having surgery, a little pampering isn't amiss), extra underwear and sanitary supplies are also a good idea, since many women who still menstruate, will get an additional 'period'. pajamas, or a nightgown (to wear while lounging) and at least one outfit which is 'easy' in the waist... something comfortable, which won't 'bind' you, and which makes you feel attractive is always a good idea. best of luck.... cathryn rauh (2 1/2 months out, 68 lbs gone)
   — tuxedoll

January 19, 2003
We have wonderful grocery stores here in San Diego (being a big town and all :) ) It is not neccesary to pack any food or vitamins- You will be arriving at least the day before your procedure (for pre op), there is a Savon right across the street from the hospital. Stop there after your preop and pick up some broth, no added sugar juice, hot teas (decaf) and some bottled water- You will be in the hospital 3 days- in your hotel probably 5 before going home. During that time you are on clear liquids and chewable vits- The only think to really bring is a small amount of your pro complex in a zip lock bag for you stay at the hotel. For the hospital bring chapstick!
   — ~~Stacie~~

January 19, 2003
I drove 2 hrs for my surgery - I brought a pillow (very handy for the drive), chapstick, and a wooden spoon (just incase you can't reach to wipe). A backbrush is good for those hard to reach spots when showering. It's probably a good idea to bring your own pads, I started my period 2 days after surgery - God only knows how much hospital pads cost! You may also want to use the pads for your flight home - incase your bowels kick in....Good Luck & God Bless You! Anne F., BPD/DS 11/11/02 -50lbs
   — Anne F.

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