Need advice for preventing/treating infections under my ever increasing apron.

Not only does it itch but it has a terrible odor. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on keeping this area dry especially with the hot summer months approaching? I know it must be yeast. I am hoping for some natural solutions before going to the Dr for an ointment. Thank you.    — susan P. (posted on May 6, 2003)

May 6, 2003
Gold Bond Powder is excellent for keeping moist areas dry and from chapping. Walmart has their own brand of this product which is really inexpensive. I use this powder everyday!
   — Jenny B.

May 6, 2003
If you have a yeast problem under the apron that you want to try and treat yourself you can try applying plain yogurt to the skin.Another thing you can try is over the counter antifungal creams.For prevention I use johnsons medicated baby powder.It has vitamin e,aloe,zinc and a moisture barrier in it.I live in Arizona and get sweaty really easy and using the powder has helped alot.
   — jennifer A.

May 6, 2003
If it smells, it's yeast. Lil critters. You gotta kill 'em & starve 'em. If you feed them powder, they are OH SO HAPPY & multiply like crazy. They like cornstarch the best, yum, yum. Originally I used Lotrimin AF (antifungal), then swtiched to the cheapo store brand right next to it, over in athlete's foot stuff. To treat it, wash & dry very well, ue a blow dryer, or let a dry towel sock up the moisture for a few minutes. Then apply a line of this CREAM (not pointment). Do this 3X a day. Don't add anything else, no powders, no deoderants. You gotta kill the yeast, not feed them. When you start to see relief, do it an equal number of days 2X a day, the cut back to once/day until the tummy is gone. Resist the urge to use powder. I know it seems the most logical, but it makes it much worse, once the yeast have colonized. My derma sorta grabbed my face & said to me slowly, "DO NOT USE POWDER" before I caught on.
   — vitalady

May 6, 2003
For years I have been using my roll on deodorant under my breasts as well as my 'apron'. Since having my kids I've had an ever increasing apron. This works wonderful! No kind of rash, no ordor just clean fresh deodorant. I use Soft n Dri. Told my daughter about it who had a rash that was terrible. Cleared it up in about 3 days. She thought I was crazy but now uses it everyday after her shower. Hope you try it and hope it works. It has for me and lots others. Good luck!
   — Sharon B.

May 6, 2003
Like a previous poster suggested, Lotriman (or however it's spelled) it's the BEST! I had to use it for the same exact reason, and it clears it up pretty dang fast!
   — Diana L.

May 6, 2003
Well, I have an yeast infection right now, again, and it is because of my apron, I use Monistat 7 cream, and mini pads and Gold Bond Powder that is medicated. I get red and raw under my apron, and I put the Gold Bond on the mini pad after I fold the mini pad in half and then put it between my fold in my apron for during the day, and in the evening I put a clean mini pad with the Monistat cream on it, and the usual place for the cream, insert you know where. The pad helps keep the moisture under control, I have to do the same thing for under my breast, except I use rolled up toliet paper instead of a pad, hope this helps you. Just a reminder, take a picture of your rashes, I use a camera with the date, so I can use it for insurance reasons if I have to have a Panni or TT and breast reduction.
   — cindy

May 6, 2003
First and foremost, make sure you get all this documented! My surgeon said if anything arises to immediately call them so they can start documentation. This will all be used as ammo in case insurance wants a battle if I will need a tummy tuck later on. It's best to have it done now than later on when you say "oh yeah I had that" but have nothing to back it up. Second, about treating the area, lotramin works wonders as someone else mentioned. It's a little pricey (about $11 for a small tube) but does the trick. I actually just used it to clear up some horrible diaper rash on my son from antibiotics and as soon as I started using it, it started to go away. After showering, I usually also hit this particular area with my hair dryer and give it a quick shot of spray deoderant. Only do the deoderant if there is no skin irritation though. Good Luck!
   — Dee ,.

May 6, 2003
Go to your DR. If it re occurs go to your DR. You need to have documentation if down the road it becomes necessary to get it removed. I used baby powder and dryed it well everytime I showered and had little problems with it . In 14 months I had about 4 episodes before I had it removed . Good Lux
   — Robert L.

May 6, 2003
Hi, I guess the best advice is to see your Dr as suggested by others if only to get it documented for the future. As far as keeping it dry..I am pre-op and I have an apron that gets red and irrirated. The best thing I have found to use is antiperspirant...Lady Mitchum because you can skip a day and it still works! Keeps me very dry and that means no irritation and chafing. I KNOW how miserable that is and I wish you luck with all this!
   — kathleen-Joan piper

May 7, 2003
I use a moisture barrier cream. After you shower and dry off, put the moisture barrier on and the area will clear up quickly. Then keep using it to prevent it from coming again. I have always had a problem with my thighs where the elastic from my underwear would rub and I was sweaty, this really does the trick. I have used it under my breasts, etc.
   — Dawn C.

May 7, 2003
I have used straight alchohol on mine- which burns like a !@!#! but does clear it up immediately- the shand sanitizer wiht aloe in it isn't as harsh, but it still burns a bit. Note- if you have really sensitive skin, you are better off using the anti-perspirant/lotrimin route but thje hand sanitizer is cheap and it does work right away.
   — jomu

May 7, 2003
Desitin--as in the creme used to treat diaper rash on babies--works like a charm!
   — Amanda S.

May 7, 2003
Go to the DOCTOR have them WRITE IT DOWN! I have a huge apron but am lucky enough not to get irritated that often...I keep it clean, dry and use J&J Pure Cornstarch everyday! But I use that as prevention, previous posters have said powder might not be best to heal it. As soon as I feel a little irritation I put some neosporin on the spot and that takes care of it.
   — Sarahlicious

May 7, 2003
The only other thing I would add, is that if it is NOT yeast, it could be a fungal infection, in which case "MetroGel" works wonders, but does require a doctor's prescription.
   — bethybb

May 8, 2003
Balmex is the best thing under the sun. I have been using it for 24 years. Found in the Baby area, usually next to the Desitin. Whereas the desitin can work as a preventive, the Balmex works both to prevent infection and works great to heal. I use Balmex under my apron, under my breasts and on my thighs when necessary from chafing. Put it on when you go to bed and when you get up the next day, the "heat" is gone and you are on the way to healing. For normal daily use in preventing, I also use my roll on deoderant under my apron and breasts. works great! Cornstarch is a last resort and usually only after showers. Good luck!
   — Nannette

May 8, 2003
Wear cotton panties, tuck something cotton inbetween so you don't have skin to skin contact (breeds moisture and fungus), eat yogurt and take plain, nonfat yogurt and put it lightly on the area affected before you go to bed at night. Shower in the morning. The bacteria in yogurt eats yeast. For douching with yogurt, use 1T per pint of warm water. It works every time!
   — merri B.

May 8, 2003
I have the same problem from time to time...this works totally....Use the cream Lotrimin(from Walgreens) Then use ZEOSORB powder(AF or regular) EVERYDAY under your tummy/between your upper thighs etc. It works....definitely use the powder everyday and use the Lotrimin Cream when you have the breakout/appy powder over the cream. It should heal up within 5 days.
   — Heather D.

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