Has anyone ever heard of

During a recent trip to Trader Joe's, I happened upon something in the "nut" isle. I tried some "dry roasted edamame" They are like minature lima beans, only green in color. When you eat them, there is a simple skin, and then the crunchy pea like thing. Here are the specs: 140 cals in a 1/4 cup serving, 6g Fat, 0 cholesterol, 5mg sodium, carbs are 9g, and PROTEIN is a whopping 14g. They taste pretty good, and I think the numbers are good. I like the protein content. Am I right here, or did I miss something? Looking forward to your thoughts. Trader Joe's also have dry roasted and non salted almonds, which were recommended to me by my PCP. These tasted pretty good, but not as high in protein as the Edamame. Thanks...LP    — Lynn P. (posted on August 27, 2003)

August 27, 2003
Edamame are soy beans. Not the best form of protein-soy- but hey, better for us than other types of snacks. I keep meaning to try them...
   — Cindy R.

August 27, 2003
You can also find Edamame in the freezer section of many grocery stores. They are great steamed. We often get them at Japanese restaurants. They are served in their pods and you "pop" the bean part out to eat. Very good and a favorite of ours too. They are similar to lima beans in taste and texture when cooked this way. Yes, good source of protein as they are soy beans.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 27, 2003
Do you chew and swallow the skin? That doesn't sound good. My nutritionist advised against grapes and things with a membrane because they don't breakdown well - and you can get an obstruction. Just be careful.
   — bethybb

August 28, 2003
I never have had dry roasted, but love the boiled ones cold, although soy protien may not be the most ideal, soy have many nutritional benefits, esp for women and I try to get in some type of soy product regularly, for benefits of les menopausal symptoms and reduced risk of cancers. read Andrew Weils books for info on soy benefit!
   — **willow**

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