twisted bowel??

i have these few twinges of pains in my lower half(below my belly button) i know there is a stomach bug going around but im paranoid. what are the symptoms of a twisted bowel?? i dont want to wait if its not nauseaus and ive been having regular BM's any advice is appreciated AMy -40pds - Amy Flannery    — cinamoni (posted on October 30, 2003)

October 30, 2003
You would be in more pain than having a "few twinges of pain". Your body is healing on the inside. I had a lot of pain to the lower left of my incision after open RNY, so much so that I had to hold my belly when I walked or stood up.
   — ChristineB

October 30, 2003
Hi, here is a website to assist you in your information search on twisted bowels. Hope it helps... good luck!! (((hugs)))
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 31, 2003
I had a twisted bowel that required immediate surgery 5 days after my RNY. Symptoms were vomiting on everything and nothing, to include water, and intense pain in the pouch area. It was awful...I wouldn't consider twinges a twisted bowel. However, if your symptoms get worse, do check it out with the surgeon.
   — Cindy R.

November 1, 2003
Sounds like gas moving through your system to me. At 15 months out, I still occasionally experience this.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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