Why my hands and feet are so cold even with socks and gloves??

   — Sherri E. (posted on February 12, 2004)

February 12, 2004
You're losing your insulation so they say. I know I've been MUCH colder this winter than ever in my life but you do need to be sure you aren't anemic. Anemia can cause you to be cold.
   —  SCbabe B.

February 12, 2004
u might have secondary raynauds phenonomen u might want to talk to ur doctor about it also anemia is also something esle u might want to talk to ur doctor about
   — cynthia L.

February 12, 2004
I stay cold most of the time, especially my hands and feet, much to my husbands disgust when I plant them solidly on his warm body in bed...I have been this way since losing weight. Not all the time, but most of the time I get cold and just cannot warm up. A nice thick pair of socks with slippers over them helps with the feet. so does heating blankets!
   — Cindy R.

February 12, 2004
Do your hands/feet change colors? "red, white, blue" is how they describe it. Red being pinky healthy normal. I have Raynaud's, probably have for 20 yrs or more. It has gotten really in my way the last few years. Looks like one son is showing the signs about the same age I did. It's worth it to check it out to be sure. If so, you can't imagine your way around it or pretend it doesn't exist. At this point with it, there is often not enough blood flow to heal a booboo on my feet or fingers without major effort on my part. There's a difference between just being chilled all the time from the weight loss and Raynaud's, which is losing blood supply.
   — vitalady

February 13, 2004
I don't have an answer, only a comment. I too have been cold since surgery. Mostly my feet. I was always too warm before. My husband says my feet aren't cold on the outside, but they feel frozen to me.
   — Carolyn B.

February 13, 2004
My hubby often cringes when I climb into bed. I can wear socks and slippers all day long, but my feet are still like ice. The only thing that helps me when I get to this point is a nice hot bath or a heating pad. I also frequent the heating vent (it is my favorite place to stand) LOL.
   — Beffy W.

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