I woke up this morning with sever pain on the entire right side.

Does anyone know what this is. It is intensified with walking and I feel nauseated, but it doesn't feel muscular. Can anyone give me any ideas???    — Donna F. (posted on June 11, 2004)

June 11, 2004
Could be anything - gall bladder, appendix, kidney stone. Call your doctor right away since you having severe pain. The vast majority of us here are not doctors.
   — Yolanda J.

June 11, 2004
Don't ignore severe pain, go to an emergecy room. I had to do that last Friday, it wasn't fun, but they admitted me and took out my gallbladder, I am really glad I didn't just ignore it.
   — Patricia T.

June 12, 2004
You don't mention exactly where your pain is so I am only giving you a couple of things to think of. First off, do you still have your gallbladder? My PCP said gallstones is a common side effect after WLS. Also, he stated kidney stones was another common side effect after WLS. Having experienced more kidney stones than I can count before my surgery, this is also something you can think about. The pain I have with the kidney stones is mainly about the level of the lower edge of your ribs on the side which feels like the most pressure from the something within me is going to explode. The pain can radiate around to the front and travel down into the lower portion of your abdomen on the same side. As I said before, I've had many kidney stones and the pain is really bad if you're totally obstructed. It's very bad with a partial obstruction but I've learned to tell the difference over the years. Since I've had the WLS, I've passed approximately 6-8 kidney stones. Anytime you have severe pain, you should go immediately to the ER or your physician.
   — Katherine F.

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