Why do I feel so hopless and lost.

Ive lost 159 lbs. It's not enough. I've stopped eating, just drinking protein shakes, it's not enough. I get so sad, I hate my job. The thought of going there makes my heart and stomach clench. I want to do so much, yet when I feel I've gotten ahead, something pulls me back. I just want to die sometimes. Sleep forever. I need help.    — Patricia D. (posted on July 1, 2005)

July 1, 2005
Patricia, Have you considered that you suffer from depression? I have been taking a low dose of antidepressant for years now and I never felt that way again. Talk to your really CAN help. But remember that you have to find the right drug for you and the right psychiatrist. Don't give up! vicki c.
   — vixen_c

July 1, 2005
you need to see a psych doctor..... like ---TODAY
   — fishnrockport

July 1, 2005
Patricia, I just posted my comments to your question onto your sugery support page. Please email me Hon. Ok? again, my email is [email protected] Hugs to you. --Irish Princess
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 1, 2005
Depression is very common when you are losing weight so fast, our hormones get screwed up. You may want to get on the patch. Also, I would suggest staying away from the scale for awhile since that seems to depress you more. You have alot of issues that are way over our heads and I really think you need to get some support. xoxoxoxo
   — shoutjoy

July 1, 2005
Patricia - Don't delay in getting help - feeling this bad is not something that you can hope will go away. LEt your doctor know how bad it is, and if he doesn't help right away, keep talking. Kathy [email protected] (805)735-2204
   — Kathleen W.

July 1, 2005
Patricia, I first off want to applaud you for loosing 159 pounds to date. Do you realize, you have lost weight equivilant to a whole other person?? BRAVO to you!! Depression, mild or extreme, should be addressed as soon as possible. You may need medication, you may just need a shoulder to cry on, but don't go about it by yourself. Go see your doctor, and if you need the support, take a close friend or relative. Remember, you are a very brave and dedicated person to have gone through WLS. You've overcome so much--and can overcome more! You are truly doing a wonderful job and you've come a long ways. God Bless You...I hope you feel better soon.
   — Pamela S.

July 1, 2005
Baby Girl. RUN... don't walk to your Doctor. You are terribly depressed and it needs to be corrected. The reason you aren't happy no matter what you do is because depression is a chemical disorder. It has nothing to do with your goals or how great life is going for you. It has to do with a balance of seritonin in your brain. Once you get it corrected and get on the right meds, everything will come together and your true happiness will shine through. You loved yourdself enough to get the surgery, love yourself enough to take care of this too. Much luck sweetie. Sandy
   — Sandy~Diamond

July 1, 2005
Dear Patricia, I agree with the others you have to get help. Do not delay. There is a lot of medication out there that is not all expensive & will help. Whe you start talking about wanting to Die, that is not a good sign. My brother didn't get help he needed & we never realized he was that depressed until it was too late. PLEASE PLEASE call your Doctor. Get that help you need. Depression is nothing to just let go. It is a very real problem & the fact that you are asking for help is a good thing. Marilyn, the Bearlady
   — Marilyn C.

July 1, 2005
You are amazing. I just read your blog, and have to tell you how proud I am of you. You have come so far, and endured so much. Patty, you are strong. You are beautiful. You WILL get thru this. Many of us suffer from depression on here. Its no wonder you may be suffering from it too, with all youve been thru. Speak with your doctor regarding possible medication to help. Have they checked your thyroid at all? that can cause weight loss to slow, severe fatigue, and mood swings that are insane!! I believe in you, I am proud of you. You can make it thru this rough period!!
   — missdjv

July 2, 2005
Hello Patricia, I am praying right now just to say the right words to you that make you understand that you will get through this awlful time. I would also ask that you try to seek a doctors help. It really does sound like you are depressed. I have been there and I do take medications for it. Some people do have a chemical imbalance. I am one of those people. It is not uncommon to feel depressed after this surgery. I am soooo proud of you loss. You are doing really well in that. Keep up doing the common things, like eating slowly and stay on a small plate. Try to exercise and I will say a prayer for you. Remember, we are all praying and pulling for you. KEEP YOUR Chin up!! If you ever want to write or talk, you can write me at my address of if you want to talk, you can write me and I will send you my phone number. Thinking of you.
   — Sharon Wolf

July 2, 2005
Hi sweetie. It sounds like you do need to see your Dr. plus maybe some counseling. Getting counseling is nothing to be ashamed of because I had to have it before I could even get surgery. It sounds like you have done a wonderful job of losing weight and should be very proud of yourself. :) I know life can be very overwhelming at times. For me, I have a 22 year old daughter who has been in a wheelchair since she was four because she was the surviving twin at birth and she has cerebral palsy. She is totally dependent on others for her care. I praise the Lord it did not affect her intelligence, just her motorskills. I have been married 5 times and failed each time miserably. I have a 25 year old son who I almost lost to a drunk driver years ago. I have a 17 year old son who is a ward of the state of Illinois for his severe emotional/mental problems. He does come to visit me once a month and is doing better. I now live with my parents and disabled daughter and had the surgery so I could do more to help out my mom because the burdon of taking care of my daughter fell on her shoulders because of my weight. I had my surgery June 14th and have lost a total of 40lbs pre and post op. I know from experience how overwhelming things can be and I always found my peace and comfort in God. When things got too much for me, I reminded Him that He promised not to put more upon us than we could bear and He has stood by His promise. I pray you find your peace of mind so you can enjoy the accomplishments you have achieved. I am here if you need to talk. Love ya and hugs!
   — Angelfirewithwings

July 2, 2005
Congrats sweetie on all the weight youve lost. yo sound like you have depression like me. im bipolar. its like an emotional roller coaster ride when not dignos. But, im here to tell you, theres relief once you reach out and get help. I feel so much better now that im on meds. im here if you or anyone wants to talk. im not cured but i am feeling much better thani was.

July 3, 2005
Patty, Please, Please go and see your Dr. You have done a faboulous job losing your 159, WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!. Depression is not something to wait out. I have just recently come out from under my depression. The only way I was abe to get to the otherside was thru the help of first of all My Lord and then my councalor. I am also on efexor they tell me for at least another year. I agree with what the others have said there is nothing to be ashamed when you go to see a councalor. These men and women are here to help you. I will be seeing Carol thru my waightloss jouney. Your friend Monique
   — Monique S.

July 3, 2005
I'm with the others. GET HELP and NOW! I have Dysthymia which for me means depression I've had ALL my life. Even in childhood! Boy you sound like me. (Yes I still suffer pretty bad but I do get help). I mean no insult, but YOU need help too. Please, don't wait. Talk to someone now and most of all, get on medication. For me, councelling is'nt any help. (But I'm in the minority on that.) But the medicine is a real God send. Some of us have a medicial imballance in the brain that just plain causes us to be sad. It is'nt anyones fault and nothing to be ashamed of. At least no one is ever going to convince me that I chose to be sad all my life. It is a living hell. But as someone said, weightloss can sometimes cause it. Life is sooooooooooooo short, don't feel sad if it can be helped by treatment. PLEASE, get help! God Bless!
   — Danmark

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