I am 3 weeks post op, when can I start doing my tae bo again?

I still have a little soreness from my incisions (2 out of the 6) but I want to start exercising more (did I just say that?? :) ) I have lost 20 pounds in 16 days. I also just want to make sure that I'm doing everything that I'm supposed to be doing.    — butterfly77ckc (posted on August 30, 2005)

August 30, 2005
Connie, what does your doctor say? It's important to follow his/her instructions. Best of luck. Kasey 365/220/195
   — Kasey

August 30, 2005
Definetly call your doctor's office and ask them. Like the previous poster said follow all the orders from the doctor. F.Y.I.- You need to let your body recover from your surgery. I have read you can get hernia's from straining your incision site(s). My doctor told me to wait at least 6 weeks to do more than WALKING. Once I reach 6 weeks and AFTER I get my doctors okay then I can start some kind of exercise like yoga, tae bo, etc... If you still have soreness, that would probably be an indicator that you need to give your time to heal! Walk, walk and walk... Good luck to your on your journey! : )
   — jstatkus

August 30, 2005
When your doctor says you can. You need to ask s/he for this information. Each doctor has there own protocol for the patient.
   — ChristineB

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