After WLS, does what you eat come out faster than it goes in (sorry it's gross!)

I was curious about the thought of having to go to the bathroom right after I eat. Do I have to make sure that there will be a restroom near by before I eat? It seems like with the bypass that it would go straight through me. Am I right or just crazy?    — Georgia W. (posted on December 29, 1999)

December 29, 1999
I am 1 month postop with a DS which is distal. I don't have that " eat and run to the potty" problem at all...even if I eat high fat. I ate a 1/2 fried chicken cutlet the other day ( it was sooo good after 3 1/2 weeks of soup!) and I did have to go about 4 hrs later..but there was no urgency and it was all very normal.What I do have a lot more of is gas....but take gasX and it's done. All is well and I am down 33 lbs ! Yippy!
   — Jackie S.

December 29, 1999
Hi Georgia - I was afraid of that too, but you would be suprised. My surgery was 12/9 and to date I have had no problems of that kind. I go once or twice a day - very regular, normal stool (delicious - huh?). I had an Open RNY proximal - I have heard it is different with the distal.
   — Marjie W.

December 29, 1999
Hi--good question! I am 5.5 months postop (open RNY) and, while I do find things "run through" more quickly than before the surgery, I always have time to find a restroom. For me, its usually about 2 to 3 hours or so. Honestly, things are more regular now than before the surgery. Hope this helps--good luck--
   — charlene M.

November 6, 2003
I have the same problem with my first meal of the morning. I is a very difficult problem to work around. I am 2 1/2 yrs post op. and have had this problem the entire time. I usually start cramping about 5 min. after I start eating. It just takes a lot of planning and a patient husband. Good Luck. Tammy
   — Tammy D.

November 28, 2006
I've been searching for this topic since I am about six weeks post op and have had daily run through diarrhea with everything I eat.and drink. Have seen dr. twice and was prescribed Immodium and than a perscription stool binder. Neither of them worked. Was reassured that I am not dehydrated and my blood panels are normal.All I can keep in is ginger tea and bananas.I cut down on the amount of food I ingested, stayed away from anything that had any kind of milk or sugar ingredients. Now I'm thinking I was eating too much or the wrong types of food too early or too many herbal pills, Dr even had me cut down on amount of vita. B pills. and protein drinks. .Process of elimination. I am pretty much tied to the toilet and am hoping things will resolve itself before my third dr. visit. Anyone else with the same problem?
   — Melanie Lake

November 29, 2006
I too have been having horible diarrhea since my surgery (lap rny). I have tried so many things, naturopathy and Immodium, and only the Immodium has seemed to help. Even with that I still have bad bouts of it on days when I go (I only go every 3-5 days.) Activia used to help me before the surgery, but now it must have too much sugar and doesn't work anymore. It's miserable!!
   — vosh

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