What the heck is an NG tube?

I am scared to death. Surgery date Feb. 16 and I am a basket case. What about bowel prep? Any advice to calm me down. I am literally nauseous with the waiting and wondering and worrying..    — Jill E. (posted on January 18, 2001)

January 18, 2001
Jill, it will be okay! Bowel prep is a day or so of clear liquids only --tea, broth, clear juices, jello--followed by a cleansing laxative to empty the bowel for surgery. An NG tube is a flexible clear plastic tube the diameter of a pencil which goes through one nostril, down the back of your throat, thru' the esophagus and into the stomach for the first day or two after surgery. A gentle suction keeps your stomach empty so you won't become nauseated or vomit. It is put in while you are asleep and does not hurt--only a bit disconcerting and irritating. No bid deal coming out either, though you might sneeze! So no need to worry! Hugs, Jesse--who's due for one on 1/23--if all my tests come back okay!
   — Jesse M.

January 19, 2001
Jill NG tube (naso gastric tube) is a tube they insert through your nose (you will be asleep...don't worry) it will pass your throat, and reach your stomach....they need this put in while your surgery is taking place...certain leak tests they will do during will more than likely stay in until a day or two later (some docs take it out before you wake ask your doctor how he handles the NG tube) you will have to pass a "swallow" test...a test that looks for any leaks, and ensures that your new opening is opened. It is uncomfortable...but not horrible.... If you are making yourself sick with sounds like you should make a phone call to your doctor's office to ask some questions. Maybe make a list of all the fears you are having, and either talk to him on the phone, or set up an appointment with him...I'm sure that he would want to know that you are really scared, mainly because you don't have all the info that you need from him...I'm sure he would be happy to arrest any fears of the unknown. But remember, that every doctor does things differently than the next could get a lot of great knowledge from this site...but the only knowledge that will be the very best is straight from your own docotr's mouth...after all, it will be him doing your surgery,right? Try to will be ok...take care
   — lynne S.

January 19, 2001
Jill, each doctor is different. I didn't have to do a bowel prep and my ng tube was out before I woke up from surgery. My advice to you is call your doctor and ask him about these things. His answers should be able to calm your fears. My doctor even gave me names of his patients who I could call and talk to. Trust me I called a couple and asked them some questions about the surgery and recovery. It help calm me down.
   — Dottie D.

January 19, 2001
Jill, An NG tube is used to keep the stomach empty. Not every doctor uses them, it is a matter of preference, not necessarily standard. I understand your nervousness, it is certainly justifiable-this is a big step to make. I found that my jitters actually got better the closer to the date of my surgery. I know I drove my friends and family nuts. This website worked very well to put me in a calm frame of mind when I really felt torqed. Also the more I read about the positive results people had from WLS, the firmer my resolve was that it was the right thing to do. I am two weeks post-op, and read the postings on the website daily. It has been enormously helpful for helping me solve some of the common post-op discomforts. One suggestion was the use of a vibrating heating pad for the alleviation of gas pains(Sunbeam, 24.99@KMart)I wish I could kiss the woman who suggested it! It was wonderful. Good Luck!
   — Margaret S.

January 19, 2001's ok that you are afraid...I'm 4 days postop..and I was more excited than scared UNTIL THIS WEEK...I was a basket case a couple days before...but I'm here to tell you it's going to be ok..
   — Debora H.

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