I am looking for any helpful hints about things to take to to the hospital?

Also, hygiene issues in the hospital and at home, favorite post-op food items to have on hand, and any other helpful hints that you had wish you had known before. I am having an open RNY on Feb 16th and have a high BMI so therefore may face more challenges??? Maybe not.. I hope not waiting is hard enough!!    — Jill E. (posted on January 31, 2001)

January 31, 2001
Jill, First I want to say congradulations on surgery date Feb 16. Hon, you need not worry about personal hygiene after your surgery, because the pain med's they put you on, you dont even think about being modest...Pls read my profile I updated with what took place after surgery>>> and since you are not eating you probably want have a BM so thats cool too. even if you did, I know the nurse will help you out. Because of the opn RYN WHICH is what I had I could not bend to do any thing. I couldnt even put under clothes on or dry myself with a towel below the waist for at least 7-8 days post-op. this is where family comes in handy for when you come home. Things to have at home which is good will be cream of wheat,yoguart,sugar free jello. fudgepops, and popsickels sugar free. once thing I wish i had once I was home was some THANK YOU notes and STAMPS. I received alot of beautiful flowers while in the hospital and I want to send out THANK YOU NOTES. Had to wait and seen Sam to get them and Stamps.. This delayed me in sending them out. I just was so deeply touch by everyone that had thought of me, It was the least I could was send a Thank You note, Not wait until 4-6 weeks after I returned back to work. Anyways you need to relax and take a deep breath, you will be ok. just take one day at a time. I had OPEN RYN Jan 15, when Iwent to have my staples removed 11days after surgery I had lost 15 lbs. I go back Feb 9, for a follow up and I'll see how much I have lost than. Everyday will get better, I am getting stronger each day. You just hang in there, I will keep you in my prayers,,,,DREAMS DO COME TRUE FOR THOSE WO BELIEVES, I BELIEVE>>>LOL JAY BILLER
   — jay B.

January 31, 2001
A Fan! I had mine on almost all the time. I seemed so hot after surgery. My nurses said that it was due to my metobolic temperature. Never did read. Or watch TV. Pain meds kept me asleep most of the time. Good luck on your surgery! I am two weeks post op and down 22lbs!!
   — Cindy K.

January 31, 2001
Congratulations on your surgery date! I just came home from the hospital last week. The most important thing I took was a fan. Those hospital rooms are kept very warm! Don't worry about taking a book; you won't feel like reading. I also took tongs to help me after I went to the bathroom. Take a phone calling card too, for those long distance calls. A robe for walking the halls, and my slip-on slippers did the trick. Good luck!
   — Kristy J.

January 31, 2001
Hi there! Since you asked...Only take what is absolutely necessary to the hospital. Because you will have to take it all back home. There have been some good suggestions already. Here is the list of items that I recommend: Eye Glasses &/or hearing aids (if you need them); one pre-paid calling card; hair brush/comb; one comfy robe; one pair of soft slippers; one container of baby-wipes; hand cream and face moisturizer(your skin will feel very-dry post-op.) Lastly...if you have a favorite bed-pillow take that along, too. Hospital pillows are very uncomfortable. Hugs and Prayers, Sharon
   — Sharon M.

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