What is Vocational or Rehab Commission

Are these insurance companies or some form of obtainig funding for surgery? Please explain I've read some messages on this but I would like to know more?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 6, 2001)

July 6, 2001
Vocational or Rehabilitation Commission is a state and federally funded program that assists people with disabilities in achieving maximum functioning, including work skills and employment. Often called BVR (Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation) or DVR (Department of Voc Rehab) or RCS (Rehabilitation Commission Services), every state in the United States has an office. You can look them up in the state governmental listings of your yellow pages. Then, simply call and make an appointment for an intake interview. A decision is made on whether you qualify for services based on your disability. It usually has to impair at least one major life functioning. They have counselors trained to help you get services, adaptive equipment, etc. Good Luck!
   — merri B.

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