what am i to expect after incision starts to heal

How badly will i be scarred if I have open rouen -y?    — barbara R. (posted on March 11, 2002)

March 10, 2002
You should probably ask your surgeon for his specifics, every one cuts differently (some opens have a 4" scar, some go around and under the belly button). Personally, my scar starts about an inch under my bra line and stops about an inch above my belly button. It's raised and a dark pink (with little dots running up both sides from the stapples- that is kinda funny). I am 2 months post-op and the skin is still tender and ITCHY!! But, I can sleep on my stomach no problem. When I went under, I was expecting a lap, so this 6" scar came as a surprise. It upset me for a little while, but now it's just part of my belly. Although, I'm considering a vine tattoo running up it once I'm at goal and it's all healed. Seems like a fun way to make something kinda scary into something pretty. But that will be another year or two. There are also creams that can help the scar fade, or so I hear. There is one that starts with an 'M' I think (can be found at your local drug store- I bet the pharmacist would know) and I've been trying old fashioned Vitamin E (although, I don't know if it's actually doing anything). Good luck on your journey!!
   — Angela B.

March 10, 2002
I agree it depends on your surgeon. My scar is 3 1/2 inches long starting at my bra line. I've heard of others with scars that are even smaller. My incision was outright sore the first couple of weeks, then tender for about a month after that. I am 3 months postop now and it feels kind of weird when I touch it, though not at all painful. I have about an inch of raised scar tissue and the rest is flat and getting lighter bit by bit. Its still a darkish red in the raised area. I didn't have any trouble with my incision getting infected, opening up or leaking at all. I did have irritation from it rubbing on my clothes so I kept it covered often in the beginning with neosporin smeared gauze pads and that helped alot. Keeping it clean is the most important thing and I was advised to keep my hands off of mine which is sometimes easier said than done. Good luck to you.
   — Donna L.

March 10, 2002
After the last little scabs were gone, I used a product, Mederma, found at my local Walmart for about 2 weeks. Although a bit pricy $12.00+, their pharmacist who I trust very much recommended it to help with fading. I found it to make things a bit itchy and really not do too much the first 2 weeks, but now that I'm 6 months post-op----I can say that it was worth using. My scar has faded from a very bright purple, to a shade that is just three makeup shades darker than my nice fair skin. A health care professional saw it the other day, and commented on my tummy zipper and couldn't believe that it was only 6 months old, he thought it had been a year or so. I'm still not up to wearing anything midriff baring, but i no longer feel everyone stare if I need to change clothes in the gym locker room!
   — Sue F.

March 11, 2002
   — Tammy C.

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