I think I'm lactating and I'm not pregnant!!!!

I don't know what the he** is going on with my body but I am actually lactating as if I had a child! I'm so freaked out about it that I don't know if this is something I should be concerned about or not. It's just unexpected. I had an open RNY 3 weeks ago and have noticed my breasts have been really tender. I did an exam on myself to see if there was something else going on and needless to say it was! Has anyone had this happen to them? Did you doc do anything about it? Is it hormones or what?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 26, 2001)

July 26, 2001
It can happen from a hormone imbalance. In fact it happened to my brother in law as a teen. Call your doc, it is most assuredly temporary, and harmless. But weird, I know!
   — [Anonymous]

July 26, 2001
This exact thing happened to me three weeks after my surgery. You need to call your ob/gyn and have her check your prolactin levels. There is something in the anastesia(I think thats how your spell it) that can cause your porlactin levels to go wacky. She checked my blood again two weeks later and then in another two weeks. So by the time I was around six weeks post op it had stopped completely. Mainly it is annoying just wear a good bra for awhile. But dont worry it is a normal occurance. Email if you want to ask anything else. Good Luck. post op 10 weeeks down 40 pounds open rny.
   — Robin C.

July 26, 2001
While the advice from AMOS folks is helpful, please consult your doctor. It is probably just as they said, but exudate from your breasts can be a sign of other things too. Best to rule them out. Congrats on coming through surgery and best wishes in your new life!
   — Nancy G.

July 26, 2001
I had the same thing happen to me when I was about 3 weeks out. I went into the ob office and she checked it and wasn't real concerned,I know she asked me if I was pregnant and I knew there was no way.She said if it didn't stop after awhile to go back in,it ended up going away though.
   — Vel K.

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