Headaches after receiving B 12

I am 6 1/2 weeks post op and received my first b 12 shot this past tuesday and I have had a headache ever since. Does anyone know if, this is normal or is it just me?!!    — ncgal (posted on September 23, 2001)

September 23, 2001
I can't really answer your question but am glad you asked this because I have been putting off getting mine for that reason. I had a B12 shot about 20 years ago, and had the most awful reaction. I was so nervous I thought I was going to loose my mind. Thats why I am afraid to get one. Hope someone answers it for me too.
   — K T.

September 23, 2001
I am a headache person, too. Sun is out? Headache? Sun is not out? Headache. Phone rings? Heat hurts. NO ringing? Head hurts. If something goes wrong? Headache. Something goes right? headache. I self-inject B12 every 2 weeks (per my labs, not guessing) and get NO headache from that.
   — vitalady

August 28, 2002
I have to say that I give myself B12 shots once a week, and it has been miraculous for me!! It makes me feel so good again! Lots of energy, and I feel like a million bucks! They are expensive, so my doc has prescribed me syringes and my own bottle of the B12, since I used to be diabetic, it doesn't bother me to take my own shots. I highly recommend it! If you are feeling listless and just plain awful, try asking your doc to let you give yourself B complex shots, they TRULY work! If you have headaches, make sure you are getting more protein in and drinking lots of water, also have them check your blood and make sure you aren't anemic. Good luck!
   — suitfugue

September 14, 2005
Sub ligual B-12 is the best !
   — Margie H.

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