Is it ok to crush.??

I take 2 flintstons a day and can NOT stand the taste at all..!! but if i crush them up and swallow it all at once I do just fine the same with the pepcid, Do you think this is Ok or should i try something else.! also i am only 4 days post op and feeling dizzy and not even wanting to eat at all, is this normal and when will it pass? Thanks    — kelkel319 (posted on September 8, 2003)

September 8, 2003
I am 4 weeks post-op, and I could not stand the flintstone vits, they were way to sweet for me, besides i do not think that they have the folic acid that women need in there daily intake, so I went to Centrum Chewables, they are a orange flavor and not real sweet, they are actually pretty good, and they have 100 % of daily iron and folic acid. You need to find something that you can take, you will have to take vits forever. You need to get as much liquids and water in as you can, once you get some nutients and protein shakes, you may not be as dizzy. I am not a doctor, but I have heard, it is not the calories that help you heal it is the protein. Hope this helps
   — cindy

September 8, 2003
I don't see a difference between crushing or chewing your Flintstones-it ends up the same way. However it works for you as long as you take them. I'm 19 mo post-op and still take the Flintstones-I love the taste and it gives me a break from the other pills I have to take. as for your appetite, some post-ops regain an appetite pretty quick and for others it can take months. Enjoy it while you can, its not as much fun when the hunger returns!
   — Cindy R.

September 8, 2003
I crushed my flintstons also but the Dr. had me wail till I was 2 wks post-op before taking vitamins.For being dizzy try it drank more water and juices diluted 50 percent with water. Drink chicken or beef broth that comes in cans not bouillon cubes. Sugar free popsicles and sugar free jello will also help. Remember to just take a few sips of water every few minutes continuously all day.
   — charanewme

September 8, 2003
Kelly, Are you taking 2 chewable Flintstones or regular vitamins? Either way you can crush them, but take then at different times during the day. You can only absorb so much at a time. I was not hungry for weeks. Your stomach is still swollen from surgery. We all heal differently so it may take a week or two before you are back to normal. At 5 mos, I still don't get hungry. Dizzy? It's a sign of dehydration (other things as well, but dehydration) is usually the cause early on. Best wishes -
   — M B.

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