Something is wrong with my eyes right now! blind spots all over my field of vision???

I don't know what's going on! It's like... I have these blind spots all over my field of vision! It's freakin' me out... it appears to be like.. black dots floating... but they stay in the same spot.. like I can't see some of the letters I'm typing right now. But I can see some of them. Does this sound like anything? I think it's happened before, and it's gone away in about an hour or so... Hmmmmmm?? I'm confused.    — Michelle J. (posted on March 7, 2005)

March 7, 2005
THere are so many things it could be. Please go see your PCM or eye care professional. Your sight could depend on treating this in a timely matter.
   — jenafwife

March 7, 2005
Sounds like a migraine headache.. but do go to your doc and make sure! Make sure you are taking all vitamins faithfully!
   — AimsMcB

March 7, 2005
You REALLY need to see your doctor ASAP - this is not normal! Don't not see your doc just because it goes away. Please!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 7, 2005
I've had that on several occasions. The first time happened several years ago and freaked me out as well. I went to the eye doctor who immediately asked me if I was either pregnant or taking birth control pills. Seems it's something called migraine phenomena (sp) and it has alot to do with hormones. 100% of the time, I have it happen when I'm ovulating or a week or two before my period starts. I would still have a doc check it out but it sounds just like what I experience when it happens. Hope this helps.
   — jrslips

March 7, 2005
Go to an opthamyolist right away. This happened to me and it was a detached retina. It happened around noon and I was scheduled for emergency eye surgery that day. My Dr. said most people don't come in right away and they end up having a harder time with it than I did. I don't mean to scare you, just don't want you to mess around with it. Take Care.
   — Nancy O.

March 7, 2005
Sounds like optical migraines to me. I have had them, they do not permentantly damage anything in your vision. Get ye to your eye doctor so he/she can better explain them.
   — ChristineB

March 7, 2005
Contact your could be something as simple as an opthalmic migraine (the first time I had it, I freaked out) or something as bad as a detached retina. Let your PCP do what needs to be done to find the cause...JR
   — John Rushton

March 7, 2005
Do you have high blood pressure? I've experienced what you are experiencing when my blood pressure was too high. Call your doctor and let him know what's going on. Good luck, I hope it improves. :)
   — Shayna T.

March 8, 2005
I had the same problem as you are having and for me it was a problem with my potassium. I am now taking potassium pills and it never hapened again.
   — Donald W. K.

March 8, 2005
I occassionally get those headaches...miganes...I take 4 Advil and it goes away.
   — chatty kathy

March 8, 2005
I have had similar symptoms when I have been anemic. Maybe you should have your iron levels checked.
   — Dee G

March 9, 2005
I hope by now you have gone to your doctor. If not, call him NOW!! It could be something simple, but it also could be a symptom of some serious illnesses. I pray it is something simple. BUT CALL YOUR DOCTOR NOW!!!
   — debi327

March 11, 2005
I had a similar situation however mine was blurred vision in one eye. I was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration and I'm only 48 years old. I decided to have a physical and blood work and it turned out I was severely ainemic with a hemoglobin of 5.99 needing a massive dose of iron infusion. Additionally I had a vitamin B1 and D deficiency. Don't wait to have this checked out. The vision loss can be permanent. See an opthomologist who will then refer you to a retina specialist as well as go to your family practice doctor for a complete blood count with iron absorbsion testing. This is not something to play with. It is however good to know someone else had experienced this. There are no studies indicating that gastric bypass surgery is directly related but the lack of absorbsion makes you wonder. Good luck.
   — Rose P.

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