How long does it take for tests?

I had my first consult and the Dr. said I need tests done for Cardio. Pulm., and Psych. He told me it would take about 3 mos. to get these done plus Ins. approval. Does it really take this long?    — Lisa P. (posted on July 3, 1999)

July 3, 1999
My cardio and pulm test were taken care of on the save day i visited and got the results in a week or so. The psych evaluation i had to take took three visits to the dr. (2 months) So your dr's is right about the three months
   — George A.

July 5, 1999
Every doctor is different, and requires different test as well. Many of the test depends on your current health problems. The test that you have mentioned are normal test. It only takes about one week to get these test done and the results back. Your doctor may tell you three months, because he may have a waiting list. Ask him about it! I had my surgery in April, and all my test were done in three days. All results can be faxed to the doctor, and everything went great.
   — Paula D.

July 6, 1999
Hi... If insurance is involved, it may take that long for your approval. If you are paying cash, like I did, I had my doctor's appt. with approval from him, took all my tests in one day - all okay - and scheduled for surgery 1 month later. I'm 9 days Post Op and doing great. Have never felt better. This is the best thing that you can do for yourself. I first week is really ROUGH, but you normalize. My suggestion to you would be seek other avenues. Alyce ([email protected])
   — Alyce K.

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