Those of you who had DS surgery at Mt. Sinai-What are ADEK's that

the nutritionist advises to take. Is there any place other than the phone # to buy them from. Are they vitamin,mineral,both, how much of what's in them?    — Linda M. (posted on March 24, 2001)

March 23, 2001
Linda: I don't have a bottle handy, but think ADEKs are all, or primarily vit A, D, E & K. They are made for people who have malabsorption difficulties, so we can also get them from the cystic fibrosis website at cost, as malabsorptive patients (cost is about $13 a bottle) and you can get the specifics from one of the DS lists or a CF search. You can also order them from any pharmacy. The company is Scandapharm. Costco will sell them to us for around $18. Be sure and chew, not swallow whole.
   — Jill L.

March 23, 2001
ADEKS are a multivitamin, as Jill said, mostly soluble forms of A,D,E and K, but also giving us boatloads of B12 and other stuff. Here's the breakdown: A - 9000IU, C - 60mg, D - 400IU, E - 150IU, K - 150mcg, B1 - 1.3mg, B2 - 1.2mg, Niacin - 10mg, B6 - 1.5mg, Folic Acid - .2mg, B12 - 12mcg, Biotin - 50mcg, Pantothenic Acid - 10mg, Zinc - 7.5mg. I've ordered them from several different pharmacies, paying about $17-19 per bottle of 60.
   — Duffy H.

March 24, 2001
You can have your doctor to write a perscription for them mine wrote me one yesterday and my insurance paid for them. I had been paying $26.00 at scandipharm. But make sure the perscription states 3 times a day.
   — TANGIE B.

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