I am scheduleded for a cruise the first of Oct. When can I start tanning?

Good morning. I just got verbal approval for surgery. Cannot find out my surgery date until later this week. We are scheduled for a cruise on the second week of October. If I get the surgery done by the end of July will I be able to recover enough to enjoy the cruise. Also, how long after surgery before I can start tanning. This is our first cruise and I understand we need to tan prior to going. I know they say the food is excellent on cruises. That part is not going to happen, so what I really need to know is should a normal person after surgery we capable of the other activities two months out? Thanks!    — David R. R. (posted on July 9, 2001)

July 9, 2001
Just a note of caution, dermatologists don't call tanning booths tanning "coffins" for no good reason. They aren't safer for your skin than being outside, in fact they are actually worse. No matter their advertisements say, they are not safe and healthier for your skin. The UV rays are shot right at your skin without the protection of sunscreen that you would sensibly be wearing outside. I saw a news report about a woman who was using tanning beds for years and had skin cancer, melanoma to be exact, all over her back, face and chest. She was crying because she had to have surgery that disfigured her back and was trying to warn people that being tan isn't worth dying for. You can die from melanoma if it isn't treated or caught early, and it isn't that easy to detect unless you inspect your skin religiously while you use tanning beds. For those of us in the heavier set, that is really difficult given the fact that there is more skin surface to check. Having said that I will now descend from my soapbox. If you still want to tan, I haven't heard of any reasons for anyone not to tan after wls, unless it has something to do with the RNY scar. If you have doubts, ask your primary care physician or wls surgeon. They might be able to say for certain whether or not there is a certain amount of time you should wait before exposing your scar to UV rays. I hope you change your mind, after all your having this surgery to save your life, it would be a real shame if you lost it for something as trivial as being tan.
   — [Anonymous]

July 9, 2001
Here is a site that may shed some light on things:
   — [Anonymous]

July 9, 2001
I have been tanning regularly for the past year or so. I had surgery in February of this year and I went tanning as soon as I could lay flat on my back and get up on my own. Just becareful with your scare. You may want to cover it up part way through each session, remember it is new skin so it burns easier. Have a great trip.
   — Tracy C.

July 9, 2001
Thanks for the input. I really don't care about tanning but was told you should do it before a cruise so you don't get burned. Heck, two months out I won't be shedding a lot of my clothes anyway. I had another person say they would not get the surgery any later than 8 weeks prior to the cruise. The cruise is scheduled and paid for so it can't be changed. I am just hoping to get the surgery before the end of July or will have to wait until after the cruise. If that is the case, LOOK OUT FOOD!!!!! LOL
   — David R. R.

July 9, 2001
You may want to consider a good sunless tanning product for color and use a strong sunscreen. As for the food, it is very much gourmet, therefore very rich and very heavy. Watch out for high-fat and hidden sugars. If you have a relatively complication-free recovery, you should have your strength back in a couple of months and be well on your way to learning how and what to eat. It took me three months to recover, and everyone is different. Just play it by ear and weigh the risk of having to cancel and losing any deposits. Bon voyage!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 9, 2001
Hi David, I am 4 weeks post-op right now. I love to tan during the summer, and I do agree with tanning before you go on a cruise. Who wants to spend their first cruise in severe pain from a sunburn? I tanned before my surgery, and recovered very fast. My doc says it's because of my age. I'm 26. Anyway, at my 2 week consult, I asked him when I could resume tanning, and his response was the typical.. "tanning isn't good for you...blah blah blah", but if I was going to, I could tan as soon as i felt like it, but to either put 45+ sunscreen on my scar or cover it up with a towel. So, get tan and enjoy your cruise. GOOD LUCK..
   — Robin L. J.

July 9, 2001
From a girl who lost her father to melanoma..........please don't tan! There is no reason in the world why you can't go on your cruise, have a great time, and avoid both sunburn and suntan with a good sunblock. I've done it! I love BULLFROG sunblock; it really is waterproof!
   — MarilynT

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