How long to take calcium after iron

I was wondering how long you have to wait from the time you take your iron in the morning should you wait to start taking your calcium citrate for the day? I have heard that if you take them together it does something    — Amy E. (posted on December 8, 2001)

December 8, 2001
Iron should be taken with Vitamin C. It should not be taken with dairy, caffiene or antibiotics. Now, I usually wait 4 hours before I start taking my calcium pills. Also, calcium is best absorbed at night and should only be taken in the late afternoon to evening in 500 mg increments. So, my vitamin schedule is as follows: 1 multi vitamin, 1 50 mg cheleated zinc, 1 400 mg Vitamin E--in dry form and 1 dry Vitamin A&D pill. At Noon, I take my two ELEMENTAL iron pills with 500 mg Vitamin C. I have a small meal with that; with no dairy, caffiene and no antibiotics. Then at 5pm, 8pm and 11pm I take 1 calcium pill. That's a total of
   — [Anonymous]

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