I've learned Biotin dose should be 2500 mcg daily (OTC or w/ Rx).... be effective. OTC is sublingual and Rx is a pill. Could this be why Biotin hasn't worked for me? I'm 5 mos. postop. WHy are some sublingual (OTC) and others a pill (Rx)? Comments??    — Marti R. (posted on November 14, 2002)

November 14, 2002
I'm guessing The Hair is Falling! The Hair is Falling! Yes? Right on schedule. The scary thing is that the biotin probably IS working for you, but that anesthesia killed hair is gonna fall anyway. But wow, your new crop will be fabulous. Look for new baby fuzz on Christmas Day, ok? It'll be there. The old will gradually fade out and the new strong, well fed stuff will be just great!
   — vitalady

November 15, 2002
Michelle, You're way too cute, after reading you're post about the hair comming back on christmas day, Girl I've almost all of mine, went from thick extra thick hair to really thin thin hair, so thin that I can manage to blow dry it at the gym under the hand dryer (Yep I said it right the auto matic hand dryer) go figure and only 2 clicks of the hand dryer I'm hoping that it grows back. My brush if full of hair for more thne 2 dozen barbie dolls LOL !! I can't wait for Christmas Day !!!
   — tannedtigress

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