Self injecting vitamin B-12

Does anyone self inject themselves with vitamin B-12 each month? I am now being required to do so and would like some help with using the syringe safely. The nurse showed me how but it seems so complicated.    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 12, 2001)

August 12, 2001
I used to have to give myself testosterone shots in the thigh and I got through that but now there is gel instead. ;) Boy am I glad. If you post again, please let me know if you do it in the thigh or arm. The reason I'd like to know is I decided I'd rather have B12 shots than take pills every day so it might be nice to do my own shots rather than have them at the clinic. Thanks.
   — Danmark

August 12, 2001
if you find yourself hating the shot, and dislike the b-12 that you hold under the tongue, there is a nasal spray, you might want to ask your dr about it. I don't know what it's called, I've heard a couple of people in chat talking about using it. Good luck
   — Becky K.

August 12, 2001
I give myself injections each month also and I can almost instantly feel more energy. One thing the previous poster forgot to mention is wipe off the top of the little vial of B12 with the alcohol wipe. And proper disposal of the syringe is important. Be sure to put the top back on the needle before you dispose of it properly. People nick themselves all the time in garbage cans with improperly disposed of needles. With a little care, you will benefit greatly from the injections. My latest blood work showed normal iron levels after 8 mos of being anemic. I credit the B12 shots along with the Vita4life vitamins I am taking faithfully. It is so wonderful to have normal labs again. I am 8 mos post op open rny. Good luck!
   — Marilyn C.

August 12, 2001
The hardest part for me was to AIM the needle. I had this urge to close my eyes and jab. VERY scientific. I hit a vein every single time and got blood or a bruise. Sigh. NOW, I watch where I am going, miss the veins, get no pain, no blood, no bruise. I use left thigh, right thigh and make my poor DH do the arms, so it gives me 4 sites, so everyone gets a turn. Hint: watch where you're going with that thing! LOL!
   — vitalady

August 12, 2001
I am a RN, I hope I can help you over the internet. I need to know what part of handling the syringe you need. Filling, getting air out, positioning, disposing? E-mail me and I'll help you. Donna [email protected]
   — Donna M.

August 16, 2001
Hi, I give myself monthly injections with no problems. I had no formal training, just a prescription called in over the phone so I was terrified because I had no clue what to do! I went on the internet searching for step by step directions and finally found what I was looking for (complete with pictures and all). The first time was tricky but after 3 tries I got it in. Now, it's no sweat. I take my shot once a month and supplement with sublingual B-12 that I got at GNC because my levels had gotten dangerously low. Good luck!
   — Kellye C.

November 12, 2001
My husband is diabetic. He said the key here is to let the alcohol dry. When you let it dry it doesnt burn. If you don't you will have this burning sinsation for awhile. He said he learned this from his nurse.
   — Jackiis

August 31, 2002
You can ask for the BD Ultrafine II SHORT NEEDLE type syringes. They don't hurt at all. They are commonly used for insulin injections. You won't get the short needle unless you specifically ask for it.
   — Darlene P.

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