how long did it take for some of you to return to work?

   — Stacy F. (posted on November 13, 2001)

November 13, 2001
I am 51 and I had an Open RNY on 8-14-01. I was out of work for 3 weeks. I had enough paid leave to take 6 weeks (or more), but I was ready to go back. I am an Asst. Mgr. in retail, but didn't close at night until I was 6 weeks. I helped out in the office, didn't lift anything and took it slow.
   — NancyNorris

November 13, 2001
Hi, I had my surgery on a Thursday ( july 12) and was in the hosptial until the following tuesday I returned to work the following Monday part time ( 4 hours a day) then returned full time the week after. I sit at a desk all day and getting in and out of the chair was tough but it was good for me to be up and out because I felt better. I had open RNY.Good luck
   — Jennifer L.

November 13, 2001
I work in an office (mostly sitting in front of the computer all day). I had open rny on 8-31-00. I returned to work half time on 9-18. I worked my way up to full time by Oct. 1st. My boss was very understanding and told me to go home when I got tired.
   — georgiacarol

November 13, 2001
I went back to work early at 5 weeks. I now have a large hernia to show for it. was working as a nurse and I was helping to lift a patient from stretcher to bed. Take your time and allow your body to heal.
   — Melanie L.

November 13, 2001
I went back to work after 9 weeks, milked it for everything I could! It was like an extended vacation. I could have gone back easily after 4 weeks.
   — Kim B.

November 13, 2001
I had Open RNY on 5/21/01. I told anyone who neeed to know at work that I was having my gall bladder out. So I had to come back at 3 weeks. That first week was rough as my office is a very far walk from the parking area. I took it very slow. I would say by 4 weeks you should be ok to go back to work. Hope this helps.
   — [Anonymous]

November 13, 2001
I had an open rny. I had six weeks of sick days to use. I was in the hospital for 10 days and home for 5 weeks. I went back to work only because I was out of sick time. I was incredibly weak and run down and barely functioning for another 3-4 weeks.
   — [Anonymous]

November 15, 2001
well, im still on this is just what i read..just REMEMBER that lap or open it takes time to heal good on the be careful out there!!!!
   — Jackiis

November 15, 2001
I may hold the land speed record to return to work. I had surgery on Thurs, July 5, and returned to work full-time on the following Monday, July 9. I am a family doctor and did not want to take any more time away from my patients than absolutely necessary. I had a lap RNY and no complications. The fact that I was trying to return to work so soon was motivation to me to walk plenty in the hospital and do what I was told. I never regretted going back to work so soon and think the "positive attitude" was a big part of being able to do it. But I do know that others have had complications and simply would not have been able to go back so soon. I was very fortunate. I have now lost 86 pounds and am doing great.
   — Anndrea H.

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