upper back pain or gall bladder?

I have terrible pain between shoulder blades whenever I get hungery. A post-op friend tells me that it is probably my gall bladder. Any ideas?    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 25, 2001)

December 26, 2001
I have had pain in upper back and stomach area. Once in March 2001 and just recently. It wasn\'t g. Bladder its ulcers.
   — Nynese W.

December 26, 2001
I had pain in my right shoulder that ran down thru the shoulder blad across to the middle of my back and sometimes in my neck. It would come and go but bothered me most at night. Found out at surgery time there was a large stone in my gall bladder. Had to have the gall bladder taken out. I would have it checked out most likely your gall bladder.
   — [Anonymous]

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