Has anyone ever lied about their medically supervised diets, and been caught?

I'm just curious, i've just came across that hurdle myself and am wondering if anyone else lied, and if so did they get away with it or not?.. I don't want to lie, but if it's going to help me, I'd like to know what my chances are.    — Laydie K. (posted on March 24, 2002)

March 23, 2002
Hello =) I did not lie, but there was no need to as I have been on numerous weight reduction plans. I could not even remember all of the diets I had been on. (Both medically supervised and not) My insurance company takes our word that we have tried all we can to lose weight. And they do not require proof any longer. I was glad because I could not even remember the name of some of the DR's I had seen in the 80's. I wouldn't worry. =)
   — ScatCat

March 23, 2002
I'm sure the insurance companies want letters signed by the doctors who supervised the diets. I doubt if they would accept a letter from someone seeking the surgery as proof that they have been on doctor supervised diets. I believe it would also be considered insurance fraud, so if they were caught they would be in legal trouble. Not a chance I would be willing to take.
   — garw

March 23, 2002
I didnt lie and had been on only one medically supervised. Which was phen/fen. I did write a letter myself of all the diets I had been on. thats all that was needed. Dont lie, if they do catch you they might deny your surgery. You dont want that. Be honest and write a letter telling them exactly what you have tried in the past on your own.
   — C. L.

March 24, 2002
If anyone is considering lying and they get caught, insurance fraud is not a petty thing. Be careful. Most Morbidly Obese folks have tried about everything and I don't think many have trouble documenting those efforts.
   — Joelle B.

March 24, 2002
Thanks for posting, I've decided against it, if I don't get approved then it's just not for me. Thanks for all of your advice.
   — Laydie K.

March 24, 2002
I didn't lie, but my PCP did not document my efforts, or any co-morbidities, and the insurance refused to believe me because I had "no documentation". Needless to say I changed PCP's but it took 4 ins. changes and nearly 10 years. Good luck.
   — laklosterman

March 24, 2002
I didn't have to lie about any diets or clinics i attended to lose weight.My ins. took my word for every diet I had tried and failed at.Alot of us do diets and programs that are not under a doctors care.Just be honest about anything you've tried doing to lose'll feel much better if you do.All they really want to see is if you've tried other options to lose weight. good luck,Lora
   — Lora B.

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